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hi moolah, i just downloaded the new update and after updating my previous version i cannot access the save’s anymore. Please help me out. I have completed till the last update.


Any reviews from the new update?


Please update

check patreon

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How do i download this game??  im on windows 

edit: Mega is making me pay money, also can i put this game on windows start? or do i have to open Mega everytime?

you going to have to look for it


You don't HAVE to pay for MEGA, if it's asking for some, it'll just be because you've gone over the daily limit for a free user. Just wait a day or so, and you'll be good to download again.

vpn also work


Might be just me overlooking something but I find the game very boring repetitive right from the start, not being able to progress.

I played one day and had no problems with animations. The next day the animations are missing and it’s just a black screen with the dialogue boxes. What causes this and how do I fix it? Do I need to redownload the game?


Is the player character male or female?

(1 edit)


Aww, that's too bad






Dev has reappeared in discord. More news to come soon.


Ok so i know this is dead by reading the comments , but how many animations are in the parts that were finished before it was abandoned? Asking as an andriod user

Idk a number but the stuff that is completed is quite good. Would love the dev to come back to this.






"Deviant Anomalies as we know it is finished, as of the end of Season 1.  That means, the character models and game made in Renpy/Honey Select is being phased out.

MoolaMilk is transitioning the game into a new engine, character models and format.  According to a patreon post (after 6 months of no contact) the dev has been working away at this." - Deviant Anomalies Discord Sophia bot


lets hope he's actually been hard at work instead of hiding away.


game dead?




the game isn't dead


kind of, Moolah is essentially re-making the entire game on a new engine. The current character models are being replaced too.


Its not dead if you see the creators patreon you´ll see

Any info on release dates, etc.? I dropped following him on Patreon a long time ago. I liked this game, so I'm hoping for good enough feedback to go back to it.

Keeps crashing every few 100 slides, game is very early stage and not enough H-Scenes / option at the moment

So he won't even update or sell it here anymore?


Is the game finished to the point that it has an achievable ending? Looks fantastic, but I have put too many hours into unfinished games that left me unsatisfied.

no the game isnt finished, and at least this version wont be seeing as the game is being remade in a new engine with new character models


Good luck with your retool. I think you made a great start; solid story idea and a lot of care put into it. Do what makes you happy and ignore the haters. Some people can't feel good about themselves unless they're making others feel bad.


is thi abandoned?

(3 edits) (+2)(-4)

Nope. It's just been moved to Patreon only. The Android version however, is definitely abandoned. 

The current Patreon release is version 0.9.2

He also just posted an update to his subscribers on Patreon yesterday. So he may be getting back into updating again after the whole F95 fiasco.

Probably wouldn't subscribe yet though. At least until the dev proves he can be trusted again.

 Thanks for the info 


What F95 fiasco, if you don't mind me asking?

minigame in pornhub !


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No more free version so go to the patreon lol


Rest in development limbo. 

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(Follow me for more games in my collection)

(1 edit) (+4)(-12)

This is one of the best games of its kind. There isn't another with the same renders or playability and content. Ripples no. Not at all.  There is another, in demo stage. Perhaps DesertStalker. Most visual novels are a pointless comparison of clicking endlessly through a bunch of illegible crap, and a very stupid story by somebody, where you might as well be watching a film. Except it's in crude animations, and it has no playability, options, choice that doesn't variate. This game had it, and a much darker side. Let's face they're just pixels. Not love.

When it's a game like this, it should have seen its updates regularly. At least an indication of when it will be updated and released. Progress. There aren't many that compare at all.

The few that compare aren't a comparison. Everybody playing these games were mostly waiting on this one and others. Not crap 


Sadly, the dev is so shitty, otherwise, this would be a really great game


what did they do? also i found version 9 online idk if its new but its newer then this i guess


Back read bro.

Deleted 1 year ago

Once in a Lifetime by Caribdis was fantastic, and the new game he's working on, Eternum, is even better (though not yet finished). He is a very good dev too. 

My favorite porn game of all time is Summertime Saga. It has so much content, so many choices, and a great story. It is more sandboxy than just a visual novel though, and the devs suck.


All you guys think this game is dead, and you would be right about that, there is only two options for this. 1, The dev died in a terrible but probably deserved accident. 2, Bro decided to play thief simulator and swiped your money like a monkey and ran.

I hope this interview was helpful for any of you none intellect creatures.


I don't think the game is dead. The creator has decided to go Patreon only. Version 9.2 is avaliable on patreon


Thank you, Ill give it a look.


... that was half a year ago. Without any updates since.


ok so here's the history.

the dev had a... rather unfriendly conversation with their player base on F95 and the game was considered terminated after the dev clearly stated they would discontinue.

The game had little to no significant update since last year and the dev posted more ads than actual work on patreon.

I'm not saying there's no chance the game will come back alive - since the main dispute was still about money - but I suggest don't put too much faith in it and also in the dev's attitude.


Right, and because of his game getting leaked, and the patreon supp is insufficient for him, he wanted more.

the patreon supp is insufficient for him

One has to wonder what kind of life they're leading if the $16,068/month minimum is "insufficient".

(They currently have 5,356 Patrons and the minimum membership is $3. Not taking into consideration taxes and the % Patreon takes, but still.)


Right. It's actually insane how much some of these guys are making on Patreon. They make more in a month than many people make in a year

It's well deserved for many of them..... but god damn


What a waste. This game had a TON of potential, up there with Cardibi's games(Eternum), maybe even higher considering this one is much more interactive.

All the guy had to do was keep consistent updates, Communicate well with fans, not be greedy, and be patient. This game would've blown up, it's been hovering in the top 30 for years now. 

For example, Cardibi is raking in probably around $50,000 a month from Patreon lol. This guy could've been rolling in dough too if he played his cards right

50k?! for a linear VN?! i cant believe it

that update is old. game is dead


Quick Question: what's the depth of the pregnancy system?


This game is dead.


Pretty sure the creator has decided to make the game for Patreons only. Version 9.2 is avaliable on Patreon


I saw, but that's the last patch and ZERO real updates/posts since outside of some advert for another game.

Either post something on at least a semi-regular basis to at least let ppl know you're alive, or quit and save everyone the trouble. I hate to sound harsh, but that's the least they can do if ppl invest in a project and get no return on investment or have reason to lose confidence in the dev for a lack of communication.

Ok fair point


Ain't no fuckin way i find you asking about the "depth of the pregnancy system(s)" under TWO GAMES!

What are you, his fuckin mother? xD


Vs 0.9.2 is available on patreon. 


This is really important info, thx br


Sorry to bust your bubble; but it has been on since Feb. Nothing since then. I dropped him

esta de la vrga, es demasiado difícil


If you are going to make a game, at least don't abandoned it.


Or, at the very least, be communicative with your community about things. Would be one thing if they told us their plans and what was going on, keeping us in the dark is just plain rude.

The PC version also include Linux version, you can add a Linux tag for players.


i know this game is dead at the moment but i really want more games to have the sub/dom options cuz i love being her sub


Ayoooo keep it in your pant bro. that’s craazyyyyy.


Not dead game They want you to pay for the game go to patreon 


Nah, bro. This dev done conned all his patrons (I was one for months). Last time anyone heard from him was in February 2023, and it's been radio silence since.


don’t pay just pirate it lmao, imagine paying for a porn game? couldn’t be me. Big L if you do though lmao.


Not all things in the world is free lil bro ;(, if you like what they do you should support them.


I always support creators if they earn my support, I will not support those who don’t have the decency to update there community or just stop posting in general. Also don’t call me (lil bro) I’m not a black 10 year old wanna be rapper. Have a great rest of your night.


Another dead game...

i know solo dev indie games are huge time sinks, but if ppl supported you, especiallywith patreon subscriptions or whatever... then finish or don't even bother starting.... 


100% dev wasted our time with a good demo then stole our money and stopped working on it.



Abandoned. Great story, shame it was abandoned like so many other projects that had potential to be something special. Well, time to look for something else, I guess.


Is this dead?

в сожалению, да  

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I wasn't really paying attention as this was the first game I supported on Patron but with so many other games started playing and in some cases supported them. I did go to F95 and read the comments. I did also go to his so called patron page and you are right, .9.2 was the last update and that was last February. I just canceled my subscription and would agree the only way to get his attention is people stop paying him. He is in contrast to my other two Patrons-- Bear in Night (Slut Academy, think x rated Harry Potter) and recently put on hold Ray Bae-- who has put his membership on pause. Both Patrons were very active with weekly updates. By the way, Maids in Maidens a very good game; not just xxx stuff. A good story, multiple characters and mystery are marks of a good game. So, listen to the forum and pull out of the once good potential but now abandoned game. 


No way bro this is one of my favorite game I loved this game and it is now abandoned noooooo fuck.


yeah dev took the donations and ran :/

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It is a scam. Go check F95 forums about this game


There's fairly adequate bug-free content to keep you playing for 5-7 hours (depending on whether you care about the plot) but expect no ending because this is confirmed an abandoned work on F95.

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