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Where is the gallery mod ? Is it no longer active

Probably hasn't been updated for newer versions yet.

Is there a discord for this game or for the developer? At some point, he suggested going there but I couldn't find a discord server where this game was being discussed.


Yes there is. Simply click the discord banner right above. 

Or you can follow this link.

I'm stuck in an endless loop with Catherine in my bedroom. I've tried both options to deal with her, and quite frankly, I'm really bored with this "flavor". I just want to get on with the game.


Me too. I can max out sensitivity or desperation but not ruin. Could maxing out ruin be the answer? I can't find the magic combination. She stopped looking interesting hours ago.

I know. It's a trap. Now we can't continue.


Hello buddy. Increase sensitivity so that you can unlock the "locked" actions. Make sure to view ALL locked actions. 

Do the same by increasing desperation. 

You need to have viewed all the actions before you can fill up the final bar and continue. 

Ah, thank you very much! 

(1 edit)

thanks i am also stuck on this, i have done all the locked actions and there is a sliver of ruined still left.  this iinteraction is bit frustrating

It means you didn't performed an available action. 

I see another one popped up on the kneel one...degrade...once i did that it was finisjed. Thanks moolah. 


So uh, can you do anything to sophia. ? I maxed out her lust , affection  and submission . Her level is still 1 did I miss something .?

(1 edit) (+1)

The only thing you can do to Sophia is tease her pussy when tickling her in her underwear when gaming, and masturbate in the bath with her panties.


You can play games with her, complete her exams, go to toilet and peek. There is an entire route of events if you peek at her in toilet. 

Android version of this not installing for anyone else??? Or is it just me. 

You need a lot of free storage space to install it but unfortunately even after successfully installing it, the application automatically closes 2 seconds after on Android

I have plenty of space, that's not the issue, the problem is that is says "there was an issue parsing the package" I've played up to version 4.something with no problems, but now it won't even install

Sometimes it can happen that the apk files are corrupted and so you have to reinstall it to fix the problem, but anyway I think the apk already has a functioning problem before anything else, really a shame, the game looked good

Well, I installed it multiple times already, and the game is very good but now it's seeming to have these issues which is unfortunate, was really looking forward to the game

Hello guys. I'm sorry but the newly updated Android seems to be working for some, but not working for others. It's a little unstable. I'm currently working on it. For the time being, I've reverted the android downloads to 0.5 version which is more stable. 

If you haven't played that yet, you can download it to try. Alternatively, you can play PC or MAC versions. 

Alrighty, thanks, I appreciate that you're so attentive to the community, looking forward to playing the latest version when it's more stable. Keep up the good work.


Hello guys. I'm sorry but the newly updated Android seems to be working for some, but not working for others. It's a little unstable. I'm currently working on it. For the time being, I've reverted the android downloads to 0.5 version which is more stable. 

If you haven't played that yet, you can download it to try. Alternatively, you can play PC or MAC versions. 

can anyone tell me how to get this scene? I already play 12 hours but still can't find it


towards the beginning of the game you can walk in on mia in the morning. after it happens once it cant happen again. at least I haven't found a way. she locks the door 

But we already have spare key for bathroom

you would need to do it before you get the key then

How do you get the spare key for the bathroom 

Was just wondering since it was mentioned the alternative route where you do find the gas mask was suppose to be released in an update did it ever got added? I was told by moolah about a year ago it was to be in the next update but I haven't played in over a year and I'm back and I still can't find the gas mask after spending quite a bit of time clicking around. Did it never get implemented or am I just missing something?

I've decided to stick with the original and continue her storyline later. It's too soon for such high depravity action.

I see does that mean we would see that content with her further down the story or do you mean continue her storyline as in her storyline being halted temporarily until you feel the game is ready for such content? That is such depraved content being shoved onto a new character further down the line. Also as a side note I think the house since whenever it was reworked is no longer fully connected? I know we can still use the fast travel but it appears that part of the house is locked off by normal traversal means or it could just be a bug for me.


I just want to ask, can i have s** with mia in version 0.7.6

Is it possible to have text box, because sometimes it's really hard to read

Yes, it's one of the things I will fix with android. 


The download keeps failing for some reason. I keep getting the message "Temporary error. Retrying." Does anyone have any idea on what can be done


You can try again today. It seems there are no problems. Probably a brief shutdown.

Deleted post

You can try again today. It seems there are no problems. Probably a brief shutdown.

Has anyone played version 0.7.3 beta for windows? I need to know what the combination of the vending machine is like... or is the update here?

Follow the story the MC told the girls

I have already done the procedures but the vending machine does not seem to work.. help me

(1 edit)

Remember to put in the coin after the sequence

Thank you!! I already managed to pass and reach the end of the update that is for 0.7.6..

(2 edits) (+1)

I cant wait to break Mia. I absolutely loved the depraved scenes with Beatrice, that blue haired girl and Catherine.


Glad you liked it. There are some Mia scenes in the coming update. 

(1 edit) (-1)

Is that 0.8 or 0.7? Android is still at 0.6 if I'm not mistaken.


When we can break Mia and Sophie ?

Nice job. Whens 0.7 coming to Android?


You should add an option to add a text background. Kinda hard to read a lot of the text

Android is wonky at the moment as we are still developing the ports. It will be fixed when I have time after the first season.  Thx for the feedback buds.

(1 edit) (+1)


Can anyone help me with nun case safe lock number?

I need to find the flash light but tried everything and dont know what to do next


Thank god for the no NTR tag lol. It always breaks my heart, no matter the type of game it is!


No middle ground when it comes to NTR ;D


anyone have a save file right when .5 starts so I don't have to replay the whole game. 

(1 edit) (-1)

Can anyone help me with this nun murder case? After I spoke with Moe I wen to the church and kicked the ladder out under that guy (albert I think) I grabbed the keys then talked with every nun, then talked with Moe again then talked with every nun again....but now there is just nothing anywhere, is there something I need to find or what?

I don't understand where the 0.6 version start. There isn't new quests for the church or for Mia and the Moon's date end without a really end... I don't understand 😅

(1 edit) (+1)

This one is only a small update, you'll notice your house has changed. You'll find Sophia on the couch/sofa and you'll be able to do stuff there and there's a new scene with Beatrice. You can also get keys now for a few more scenes. Hint: you need to do alot of detective work on your PC.

This update is probably just to let people know they are still working on it but it needs a little bit longer. So its just a taster. Hence its .6.10 rather than .7
There isn't any new quests or extension to quests in this update.

Though i dont think its much more of a wait for .7, so all the new/extensions to quests will be then.

Hey i just installed 0.6 version my android and it say “A problem occured with parsing the package" what should i do i really wanna continue this game 🥲.

So how do you get money in this game ?

I think i'm actually softlocked since everything i need to do now need me to spend money and i have none and no way to actually get some.

                  ----- SPOILERS -----

need money for the 3rd "books" of sophia and the controller to beat her

need money for moon theatre ticket

need money for beatrice aspirin

need money for the "gift" for eleanore for the party

need money for both the key of the bathroom and sophia's room

I have reached the end of all the remaining accessible thing to do in the game and maxed stats with mia and sophia.

Any idea or am i just fucked ?

(1 edit) (+1)

You can do repeat work on your computer for like $20.

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It's part of the reason why I'm trying to rush the bar update. You will start being  able to make money from the club as well as the player would need money for items/costumes later on. For the time being you'd have to rely on the computer repeat work. 

Has anyone figured out how to invite rich people to the party?

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Loving the game but is there a way to change text color or add a background behind it hard to read the text sometimes other then that it's a good game so far playing android version btw

Android is wonky at the moment as we are still developing the ports. It will be fixed when I have time after the first season.  Thx for the feedback buds.

When I'm going to fight the guy at the bar and he asks me to press the keys, but I play on my cell phone, how do I press the keys?

The fight is not compatible for android at the moment as we are still developing the ports. It will be fixed after the first season. 

Main character is written like a moron.
Makes it very hard to care/continue.

what specifically annoyed you?

(4 edits)

Example 1: Calls cougar that owns 7-11.
Lady: I remebersss you, detective boyyy... Yes, heehee... This ish Cathriness.
MC: Huh, she doesn't sound like herself. She is talking in a very strange manner. Am I even talking to the right person?

This guy is supposed to be a detective and can't tell when someone is drunk? The audience/reader of this visual novel is intended to know her text has all the hallmarks of being drunk but our hero appears clueless.

Example 2: when he's arguing with the succubus lady in his head.
MC: "This is just a dream. It's all in my head. I need to wake up and focus on finding  out-"
Succubus: "-what happened to your guardians."
MC: "How do you know about them!?"
If he believes this person is his own mind, why is he violently surprised that the dream entity is finishing his sentences? If anything, it should be proof that he really is talking to himself. Makes me feel like this guy is a moron.

There are a lot of other examples here and there that I don't remember near the beginning and other bits of bad writing throughout.
Meh, there have been worse VNs. I usually make comments like this when I am disappointed. The premise and sandbox elements sound neat.

[EDIT]: I remember that multiple (at least 3-4) characters say, "You're funny. Have you thought about being a comedian?" when confronted. This is lazy writing.

I've read your replies and don't think I'll convince you otherwise. And I promise I don't try to. Will just leave my comments here.

Ex. 1 imo u just misinterpret here. it's not that he "can't tell when someone is drunk". He understands that she's drunk. When he says that he can't recognise her he means that the 1st impression she left was that she's a respectable/ high status / serious business lady who acts responsibly so her being drunk conflicts with his first impression of her.

Ex. 2 well that I assume is a "let's introduce this new entity to the player & explain it to him too" moment. it's more to explain to the player rather than to the character

comedian comment is a running joke and actually developer's self-irony moment where he ironises about his own character/story/dialogue writing skills. which I quite like (both his writing and him joking about it)

Here's the thing, LurkSkywalker. The developer didn't say these were misinterpretations when they responded. They intended them to be interpreted the way I did and that I should not "judge too early my friend. You'll know why he says all those things later. ;) "

Classic  "I meant to do that" and not admitting they could ever be anything but a genius.

I'm glad you found a game you like. 100% of the characters having the same "are you sure you aren't a comedian" mannerism could be a hint that the author doesn't know how to write unique dialog for different characters. If you find it endearing, again, I am happy for you.

I hope Moolah Milk finishes Deviant Anomalies and makes it brimming with content. I'm out this time, but since there is a lot to like besides the writing, I'll keep an eye out for their next project.

(4 edits)

 "are you sure you aren't a comedian" is a line repeated by many characters since the first episode of the game.  It's ironical due to the humor/dark tone I like to put in the game.  But also don't you feel there's something more to it? As I've mentioned, you will find out later why later on.  Same with the church. Clues are everywhere already, you'll know if you've missed them. It's a quite a thinking game and not straightforward, I like such stories. 

Glad you got it buds!

Jesus... I kept playing to see if it got better and got to the Mother Superior part.
I will never understand why people enjoy incredibly stupid protagonists.
I'm glad you found a story and a game you enjoy. I truly am.
The world needs variety.
But Holy shit is the MC dumb. like REALLY dumb. I just can't...

i get what you are saying, and i agree, i don't think the game is bad, what i think is that it have a good idea but a boring execution, it's interesting to work with mysteries because at the same time the unknown causes fear, he causes curiosity too, so... it's a good start, the development that is a problem for me, for example, a clever moment is when he was talking to the mother superior, he didn't know that she was the mother superior and didn't tell her he had another hidden camera, he only told her about one camera.

The problem is that he was so open with her, so fucking open with her, that if she had spoken more with him, he would tell her that he had another hidden camera. He was literally opening his mouth to her, i bet he would even tell her his bank account... at that point the MC doesn't know that she was the mother superior, but c'mon....why he would be so open with a stranger? 

There's some references about Once in a Lifetime, i played this game too, it's the same thing about mysteries, the difference is the development...right on the begining we know that the MC of Once in a Lifetime isn't clever, and the history throw him on a situation that a student would never think about it.. but it's developed in a way that makes a lot of sense, the MC is dumb, but that makes sense, he was just a student, and he was close to be disapproved, and this is why we get others to help him, to pass were he fails, Judy is clever for example and she help him. The MC isn't a good fighter, but Aiko, yeah! and she help too. All this time i was wondering about the MC of deviant, why he didn't ask more help, for example, when he follow Ryan, and he discover that Ryan was involved with drug dealers and he go to the alley and reach the factory... why did he do this? he already knew about Carly, he could try to get information with Spade for example, or with Moe, but no... he decides to follow them just to be taken by surprise. The game could end here because they could simple kill him, after all they got him... so to avoid this recklessness he could simple turn back and try to get more information about Carly or Ryan, it would make more sense.

Sorry for the english, it's not my native language.

And please if the developer read this, don't take as a insult, it's just a sincere criticism, the game has potential, but need more work on the history, especially after the first case on the store.


Just wait buddy. You will know why later. 

don't get me wrong, but this "you'll know later" story doesn't convince, I had a teacher who went to write a fantasy book, and he ended up liking it and made 
a sequel with 5 books, a fantasy book, there was magic, ogres, gnomes, etc., but the problem is that in the first book the protagonist makes a lot of decisions that don't make sense even in the context of the book itself, something like suddenly gaining power, and without any kind of training she became strong enough to fight the villain of the story. This is an example, there were times when it didn't even make sense for a fantasy book, then he told me that "all this will be explained later" and I replied "frankly, if you can't explain it now, why would I want to know later? I read your book professor and as much as I like you, it was a frustrating experience, there was a lot that could have been explained now, to get the reader's attention, but it wasn't done, then you wrote other volumes just to explain something that happened in the first volume....since you didn't need to... what's the point of explaining it in volume 2 or 3, if people already lose the will to read in volume 1?" That's it my friend, I'm not saying to tell us the whole story, but if you leave it to explain the "now", "tomorrow"... it will only waste time, and people may not even want to see it when you explain it, because the interest who was there. ended.

Don't judge too early my friend. You'll know why he says all those things later. ;)

While there are parts he is legitimately written stupid for relief timing and breather, none of the parts you mentioned are that. Funnily enough, all 3 examples you gave  have reveals later in the game. 

(2 edits)

Hello developer! Thank you for taking the time to engage and for putting yourself out there with Deviant Anomalies. Lots of potential. There are some really good animations, erotic situations, character design, scene design, sandbox game-play... I'd like to reiterate that my frustration comes from a good experience turned sour through writing choices.

However, you put the project out there into the world, and it will be judged as it is written now. I'm sorry, but I don't believe you regarding why he says all those things later. ;) That's a classic artistic excuse. It's okay to internalize and learn from your mistakes. Your writing is far from flawless and posturing that it is will do both you and your future fans no favors.


There is no "later reveal" that could ever explain why the MC doesn't know what a drunk person sounds like in that moment. She has bottles there, we are meant to believe she is drunk, and if its revealed later that the MC somehow knew she was only acting or some other "I planned him to sound dumb all along", it doesn't explain why he wouldn't think she was drunk in that moment with the information both he and the reader have. This is a very small example of why I can't stand how clueless the MC sounds, but it is one among many. All you have to do is add the line, "is she drunk?" and none of this would exist. If this is a setup for something HOURS later or that's not even implemented in this version, it does not work at all/pulls me away from caring about the MC.

Of course the succubus isn't only in his head. Knowing that doesn't change my opinion about how unintelligent he sounds in that moment.

And blabbing to a random woman about a murder investigation and a hidden camera while he knows she is headed to the church... that was the nail in the coffin. I know you were trying to do something cleaver for the head nun's characterization, but in my opinion, it backfired spectacularly. It felt forced, and transparent, and frustrating to go through.
I, the reader, knew this was mother superior very early in the conversation.
The only thing I can think of is that you intend to reveal that the MC knew who she was the whole time and was blabbing on purpose, but we the reader have no reason to know that he knows. This is not set up or believable. It's a bad way to write a plot- in my opinion. Maybe this is not what your "later reveal" is, but either way, as it's written and presented at this moment- you lost me.

I hope you take the feedback seriously. A lot of people enjoy your work, but never forget you are never done improving your craft. Best of luck!

Im not interacting with you to be defensive. I'm always on the lookout for things to improve the game on. And I'm glad you took the time to give feedback. 

Perhaps you should re-read certain portions of the game. There are many instances of foreshadowing already, especially regarding the church and mother superior. 

I won't spoil it but you'll know why when the case is resolved. Maybe it would be fun if you go back and re-read the case and try to find things you might have missed. I love to do that when watching movies or playing games. 

Didn't there used to be a back button in this. I've played till the end of .5.5 but my phone shit the bed so I had to start again. But in trying to get through it quickly to where I was I'v accidentally clicked the wrong choice and have to restart to change them. It needs an option to ask if we've played before so we can skip the stuff we have played. 

Yes, I've realized we start to have many repeating players as we grow in development. There will be certain options for repeat players once the first arc is concluded. 

Well I've figured out about going back. Just choose a rollback side. Also wasn't there an option to change the "best friend" thing. Or am I think of a different game. 

(1 edit)

do you know Maeve birthday and Month


Find the letter on her desk + put together the photo in the bin

I haven't played that many lewd games yet but this one's the best so far. Beat all the others I've played & certainly raised the bar of expectations for all the next games. Any similar games as good & high quality as this one that you guys can recommend? "Related/similar games" button on itch doesn't do any justice to this title

Can anyone explain what the inc patch/mod does? Is it only to touch Mias tits in the bathroom or is it more to it? Asked for a damn week ago but not zero answers.

Basically, the mod changes the Mia's relasionship from friend to sister.

Yeah recently figured out myself. Very silly mod lol.

I don't make any games that does not comply with restrictions such as inc.

Ammm im stuck at when the main has bitten by a snake and die

If its at the church event then the blond girl with you helps you and you get a naughty scene

it did not help me. I keep dying from the snake bite. Please help me😭😭😭

Make sure you found the light in the crypt


when is the next update??

Patron updates are next version. 

(2 edits)

Ok so as soon as i downloaded the new android version, my phone started to not work well, it didn't let me go to the main home of the phone, everytime i tried it would send me to the last app i used and a message popped up saying my home app is not functioning i waited to see if it fixed itself but it didn't so i uninstalled the game and now my phone is back to normal, does anyone else has this problem or is it just my phone or something?

Mmm the port seems to be wonky with certain phones. Do you mind sharing your android version and phone? 

Its an LG stylo 6 android version 10

Where can I get the bathroom key

Go to the church there's a guy that can make keys, but you'll need money to pay


Im dumb I know :') but can you guys help me out on a couple of subject questions from Sophia? I answered some of them, but some felt like wrong cause MC won't give an explanation if it's wrong.

1)Which Countries were involve in the French and Indian War? (

@Japan @France @India @Italy @Germany @UK

2)Scientific term for the production of light by living organism

(I tried answering bioluminescence and luminescence but It maybe wrong)

3)Which one is NOT part of the 7 wonders of the world

@Taj Mahal @Great Wall @Stonenge

(I answered Stonehenge cause I checked the updated 7 wonders and Stonehenge was not in it, but I maybe wrong) 

4)Molly bought a potion that could make her small tits grow double in a day. How long will her breast grow half of sally's size if it takes 37 days to fully grow to the size of Sallys ( Like what I said Im probably dumb cause I answered 18)

(I did search some of the answers on the net, but can't clarify properly)

(1 edit)

try to ask google or find the walktrough maybe..btw i dumb too

4) 36

#4 - The potion doubles her size every day. To grow half of Sally's size, she needs to be one day away from Sally's full size since it will double with the potion. So, the answer is 37-1= 36 days.

I am also having difficulty answering these questions correctly

bioluminescence, is right.

the church crime:

how do you get the bottom right clue?


Hey guys i have 2 questions and im kinda desperate here.. 1: can i sleep with Mia? I have 0,7 version «pc btw» i also have inc patch but all ive been able to do is touch her tits while she is in the shower, is that everything i can do with her so far? I only have 2 options with her at the kitchen «clean» «cook» the red lust option doesnt do anything even ive gotten her to 10 lust i believe wich is the max right? When i go into her room at night i can only ask her to show me her tits, «if i try heart option or whatever it is i get the same lines, (were just friends) am i missing something here?» and 2: how do i acess gallery mod? would greatly appreciate help guys. Goated game btw.

You can't sleep with Mia yet. Gallery mod will be released at the end of season 1

how do i unlock the garrison bar??

progress in detective quest line brother. Spade will show u garrison eventually.

what about the hard drive? I gave the hard drive to Moe. how long does it take for him to retrieve the data?


you gotta fulfill ur promise aswell. Film Mia and bring it to him, u dont need to give it to him, just have it on you.

Yes finally 6.10 is finally here

How do you get the bathroom key?

And Sophia keeps asking for $250 how do i get past this? I have payed twice now no difference

Go to the church, you'll see a money sign when arriving and theres a guy selling prepared to spend a bunch of money and tedious grind of holding the ctrl button to farm money for it


Check her room for bio book :D

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