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i would like to request a direct download link since mega either requires membership or it resets my download since my laptop is not powerful

if possible can you add an direct link download or send me a link 

Any voice acting?

Was just wondering, what model program you use?

How does the mission of the water vending machine pass?

you find the solution? please help

Coca -> DR.Pepper-> Diet Coke -> Fanta -> Sprite -> Dasani then insert piece

Coca -> DR.Pepper-> Diet Coke -> Fanta -> Sprite -> Dasani then insert piece

Is there like a flat pay for this game so we can get the updates? Instead of doing the Patreon? I understand the newest updates being given to them but I think a set price would make people buy, the game is great.

Can someone please help me. My game keeps repeating the same scene over and over of Spade yelling at me when I tried to enter the Police Department, and then I'm immediately kicked out into the world menu. I started from the beginning, because I can't play the updated version of the game otherwise. Please help.

Is there plan to upload DA anywhere aside from Mega? It barely works where i live and downloading updates is quest on its own. Which is slightly unfortunate

(1 edit)

Minor Feedback (Windows 0.5.5):

  • Sounds will often stack and play over themselves when triggered in quick succession, such as the footsteps noise made from traveling from room to room in the church. 
  • The sound effects in the prologue make it very difficult to take seriously compared to the dark tone (especially that first scream when the protagonist wakes up.)
  • The shower sound effect does not stop after leaving the bathroom.
  • The fact that everyone appeared to not be wearing a shirt in the bottom left of the dialogue box felt odd. 
  • It would be nice to record in the notebook the optimal interrogation strategies once discovered (or make more apparent if already present. 
  • Perhaps make your childhood friend slightly less physically affectionate in the beginning as it led me to believe they were dating. 
  • It seems odd that the protagonist refers to his parents by their first names but I suppose that could just be my own experience. Perhaps at least make it clearer that they are parents rather than roommates the first time they are mentioned. 

All in all an enjoyable experience so far, these are just minor complaints. Having routes based on protagonist submission is always a welcome addition which was quite enjoyable for me. Keep up the good work. 

Thx for the feedback. I'm changing the early meme scream

is the 0.7 only for patrons? beacuse here there is only the 0.5.5

(1 edit)

Yes, 0.6 on itchio will release the 4 june but 0.7 will stay patreon only for now.

Ok,I'm playing in Android I'm in the dream cutscenes no matter what I press I can't exit the scene yes I hit all 3 options who are you,where am I , and break free still no change it just fades to black then I'm still there


You have to watch her breast clicking the eye on her right breast if I remember correctly.

How can I update the game without losing the save files? Or I have to play it all over from the start?

the game should keep your save files if you're using windows, as it will save in the renpy folder in %appdata%

if not, go into the game folder and find the saves folder. duplicate and put it somewhere safe (if you're going to wait for next update), and put it in the new updated game saves folder

I am having problem with Beatrice hangout can u give me walkthrough it please

its pretty simple, try to raise her rapport by watching shows (this increases more if you cuddle her first, so best to do this every time)
once you have some raised, she will then be comfortable stripping.
so in a nutshell: cuddle>show>strip repeat

Could I get some help for how to max out rapport, intimacy, and liberation for Beatrice on the couch? I haven't unlocked any abilities after getting her naked. I go snuggle, movie, snuggle, movie, strip, strip, snuggle. Intimacy always comes up just a little short.

Deleted 2 years ago

i tried but not helpful i tried to naked her first but not helpful 

you have to raise her rapport first so watch a show with her (raised faster if you cuddle her while watching). once some is raised, she will then feel comfortable stripping


u must always cuddle before try to watch the AV video, cuz it will open the 3rd option on the video, that option increase beatrice rapport alot, This is how i do it ,
Cuddle>video (3rd option)>naked>cuddle>video (3rd option)>cuddle

but for the 1st time u do it, it wont max the intimacy, u need to do it the 2nd time for it to be max

dose not work for me. Run out of moves before can get the fondle option no matter how I try to do it. Only have 6 moves. 7 steps needed to achieve this how how how?????

I'll be honest I come because of the pregnancy are you implementing?

afaik itll take a while, since the game is huge and has a lot of routes to be worked on

Yes. We have pregnant farm later on. I think you'd like it. 

(1 edit) (-1)

What the spider lookin thing doing to the girl in the picture? I need an explanation before playin this game

nothing, you intervene before it does anything.

it spray some material on her body just like picture and that make the girl occur pregnancy symptom, but actually not pregnancy, and this storyline is still in development

Thats dope that you can interrupt it but can i impregnate every girl or just some

you can't interrupt and it's a side task to solve it. and there are no impregnation content now

No impregnation content at the moment, or there won't be any at all? Sorry, was confused at the wording there.

No impregnation sex at the moment

Pregnant farm content will come later. 

In android version it is hard to complete photo puzzle in maeve's lab fast for the int bonus. Taping the parts to rotates doesn't work because it register tap as moving instead of taping.

I tried to finish it fast ~5 times but always fail due to the rotating issue

Try placing the piece in the correct spot first then tap to rotate

Deleted 201 days ago

You're using a controller. 


I'm stuck on Catherine event at MC's house and i can't increase the Desperation bar to finish the event. I've tried many times to edge her, tried all the interations but none of them increased that bar. I don't know if it's a bug or it's not develeped yet or i'm not noticing something. Does someone have any help please?

also stuck here :/


You need to see every single action at least ones. So unlock all actions for desperation/sensitivity and make sure to see all of them.


You need to see every single action at least ones. So unlock all actions for desperation/sensitivity and make sure to see all of them. 

Stuck too. Can increase Sensitivity * OR * Desperation to max, but when trying to fill the non-maxed bar, the maxed bar drops. Also Ruin is stuck at around 90% (percentage numbers on the bars would be a nice thing to add at some point!). I believe I've seen every action at least once.

There's also no way to exit (presumably until all three bars are maxed?) that I can see.

Replying to myself (always the way - post an ask and the problem goes away!). Had to max out Sensitivity to unlock some actions, allowing Desperation to be maxed, which unlocked other actions. Once all unlocked actions had been done at least once, Ruin maxed out and further actions resulted in things progressing.

(1 edit)

This doesn't help =/
I have no idea what you mean. 

(6 edits)

Found it for the most part... first fuck her again and again till Sensitivity is maxed out and once more... then there appears a new fuck option. Save the game. You do that and try both. One will have raised "desperation" now. 
Then go "masturbate" and "kick her" again and again till desperation is maxed out and once more. 
The new fuck option appears again. 
After that: spank her pussy and make her cum every time. Now Desperation stays solid and Sensitivity rises again. 

Now Desp is maxed, Sens is nearly maxed, but I can't get anything higher anymore. 
Normal fuck: "let her cum" rises "Sens" but lowers "desp", "don't let her cum" rises "desp", but lowers "sens". Now take "Let her cum", then go to the poses and there's a new option "degrade". I hope that's it now.  

Then regular "fuck" again... Apparently that's it.

No fun... really annoying. 


Me too. Everything is mostly fine. Gotta up the optimization so frame rates goes up. Still a slow game and the Catherine mega game is embarressingly long to slog through. Ruins the momentum. Needs a skip feature that is shown but isnt on the website.

Even worse for me... the BDSM part isn't optional, and it really doesn't work for me... 

The sometimes extreme long cut scenes don't help either. 

What does sage wear around her waist?


Okay so I really like this game it has so much potential to be something amazing, This is the type of game you could easily sell for $15 when it has a lot more too it.

Some concerns no one girl route right now has anything amazing to it, like its good but it just suddenly stops. I feel you should focus to do one girls route and get that finished so people have a taste of how each route is going to be with each girl (Doesn't have to be Mia if your wanting her to have the most effort put into her route, can be a side one but people just need a taste to want the whole thing if that makes sense).
The detective stuff is really cool but can be confusing which results in people coming to here to find information or go to the discord to find out how to do things. Maybe add hint stuff into it (Maybe a button to switch on highlighted mode where it colours stuff if your missing clues/items with that person location), I was fine for me because I've played a lot of stuff like this but to bring in new players to get hooked to this type of game it could make things really confusing for them and make them just not play it in future.

Not sure if its a bug but I cannot repeat scenes with anyone like Catharine, I go to her place at night and I get the 3 icons appear but when I click them its just a blank screen with no prompt to do anything afterwards. So it could be a bug or it could just not be implemented yet if its not implemented yet then its cool but otherwise I thought I should make this known at least if it could be a bug.

Text/phoning should probably let you use these functions at any time instead of just waiting for them, if they ever have key points in story it would be nice being able to read back through the texts and stuff.

I also think in this type of thing a gallery is needed instead of having to replay the game to experience the scene again. Maybe I've just missed a gallery option? but like that bartender part was unexpected and it was great because of being unexpected but only got to experience it once. Though maybe your working towards more with her in future.

Overall I think this game has soooo much potential to be the most popular h-game out there. Not even kidding, I have spent the last week trying out a chunk of them just because I felt like giving these games a go again and this one stands out the most just because of how many different things are available or will be available to do and how its not the normal generic improve your relationship and then bang them game. I like that you have cases you need to solve, while having a main quest and then having side quest to other girls. Gives the game a whole lot of things you can do in the future its just right now each thing we only get to dip our toes into each part. 

I kind of hope this blows up to the point your able to recruit others to help you make progress a lot quicker. It feels like that there is sooooo much more to come and we only have a small fraction of what's to be in this game. I wish I could support with money myself but I cannot afford to do so.

Thx for feedback. Yes, gallery will be implemented at end of season 1

Please fix the buttons, make them bigger on android. It's already a year long 

Hi, is there any possibility to download it from a place other than mega?

Just started the game and had to ask: Did ya REALLY have to name the detective 'Sam Spade'? Like, coulda been a LITTLE more subtle with the homage there, dawg... 

XDXD I like the show

how will i pass Android

Hey man! Great story, Mia is very cute. I liked Maeve too, even though she looks like she has Acromegaly on her hands. Moe is such a motherfucker, I want to punch him in the face, this feeling is real, I have a "friend" as an asshole like Moe, I've seen that kind of attitude firsthand. Anyway, Congratulations for the good work with Deviant Anomalies.

how do you get "auto" in this game where scenes play themselves? this is for downloaded version on pc

hello everyone. Can anyone tell me how to open pause menu in android? I want to make a save (not quick save) in one of the slots

Do you not have a save or pref button beside the quick save button?

well, i have a disc icone on the upper left. But when i touch it. It only put to quicksave. 

Swipe up on the screen to open menu.

oooh! It worked! Thank you so much


Hot damn. This game is all over the place and I love it. I almost stopped playing within the first 10 minutes because Mia felt so cliche and I didn't like the MC that much. That would have been a tragedy.

There are so many fun/sexy/bad ass/unusual/lovable characters after the game opens up. It feels like Moolah Milk wanted to try every mini game they could think of. The game is better for it even if a few mini games don't work out. I even like the MC now, thanks to some very sharp writing. Oh, and the game has many haha-funny moments, yet retains its thriller/horror theme.

Then there are the little things. How I appreciate the little things. "Penny for your thoughts?" I do hope we will see much more of her.

Did I mention how good the writing is? Some dialogue choices during sex scenes branch off to new scenes that almost feel like different games.

Anyway. I am going to become a Patreon this weekend.

I love this game!
Only thing not working for me is the party quest.

I'm supposed to find rich people. I talked to El and someone said that she should message me. But she never did. And now I cant talk to her. Anyone a idea?

how to update from v4 to v5? pc version


Can someone explain somewhat might cause of "App not installed" I still a 5gb storage space. Help. 

And why MEGA? mega succs


Alright so, I've went through what I believe to be the last thing I could do in the current free version (0.0.5) and...I sat down to find my password just to comment, I NEVER leave comments on games unless I loved them. 

The game is promising

The characters are all Unique & Interesting

The story managed to take me in sometimes where I forgot it was a NSFW game

There were many lewd scenes already

I really don't know what to say, I am left speechless. The game is much better, both for people looking to get off and people that want a story & get off. The girls as hot as heck, Adorable even, the choices given, the whole Dom/Sub paths you can take and how choices seem to truly matter even though they sometimes don't. It's a gosh darn well made game and I want to see it to the end, I went through 95% of the game fully blind and looked up only the crypt code because I couldn't understand how to make out the security code through the scroll, but besides that. It was a total blast, a coom blast. It was incredible, I only wish I had the spare money to join on Patreon cause this game is damn good. 

P.S: More Moon ples

For the android version is there any way to get it for arm androids. I get a parsing error that happens when the apk is meant for x86 androids since i have an arm.

How do i do it again with Catherine?


Go to her house at night

Odd. When I visit her again, I don't see any options when I click on her. It's blank regardless of whether I try to talk, click the heart, or try submissive actions. 

not implemented yet, the author just doesnt put anything lol


Does not giving moe the video significantly change the game?

What does sage wear around her waist?


Anyone know how to progress with moon quest? She told me to meet at restaurant but how to get there?

WHAT'S the code for safe in the crypt?

Wait till the next Saturday to trigger the event.

code for safe in crypt is 1302

What does sage wear around her waist?

What does sage wear around her waist?

Pls make UIs bigger, its so hard to click on android.

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