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d点击下载没有反应 然后就蹦出404


Are you unable to download it?

Actually how i want to release myself from being tied by the rope,i stuck at that van part

Check out the knife on the box.

Is there ever going to be a walkthrough we will be able to download 

Yes. Next major update will have a refurbished walkthru.


I can't increase Mia's lust. I got to the discussion right after Moon flashed me, and now it says there are no more events for Mia in this update. The sidequest with Sage asks me to talk to a person who works at the Bar, but i have no access to the bar and i dont know anyone that works there. I'm stuck and i dunno what to do


Follow the instructions on the sidequest tab to pursue side quests. Follow the hints on the relationship tab (heart icon ) to pursue relationship levels. Mia's lust will automatically increase when you pursue her event. 

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can't install due do it being on third party website 

I just started the nun case and inspected the body... have you been "inspired" by a detective conan case? ;)


Hehe. If u finish the case would probably see something ;p

Yo Moolah :D are we gonna be able to continue the investigation into who killed the nun in the next update? im hella hyped to find out! Keep up the great work once again, plus any idea when the public update will be?

Wazzup soul. Yeap next update will continue with the nuns! But will require a full replay as many things are added. it will be done sometime in august hopefully. 

Sounds awesome! Will happily start it over to see all thats added :D thanks for the reply 

why it's so lag when i go to places or roaming? 

Dont know .but it's not lag in my phone

Are you on phone or pc?


how to update the game without losing my save data? Just overwrite the old one with the newest one?

As long as you dont delete your save files you're good. Anyway, every player needs to replay from the start next update. 


Is in a new update we can fight? Because i can't fight on the last version on android

You will be able to fight in the next major release :D coming soooon


Gonna wait then..because i stuck in a bar scene can't fight , i don't want to skip and let God decide the result 🤣, btw... You Make such a great game bro.. Dope..

I see people talking about the warehouse. Maybe I missed something because i never made it there. I finished what I could of the Church and did half of the side missions. Is the warehouse .5?


No, it's like a side mission you have to go to the bar at night and just follow the quests from there.

i hyavent started this game yet, i usually download a guide/walkthrough, if anyone has a upto date guide i would verymuch like it, the game, from the surface seems epic, will give it a try asap


Guide and full walkthrough will be ready next update.


Woo nice, I tried the game, so far it looks great, I didn't like the way I was thrown with a lot of buttons on the screen, a tutorial or as you said, a guide will be appreciated, thanks a lot

update: looks like i finised the game for now, there is nothing more to do, i really loved it, i will eagerly wait for the update, huge thanks to you for making this awesome game

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im stuck in the factory part where your hands are tied, i cant seem to figure out how to untie myself and theres nothing helpful online, can anyone help? this is part of sage's quest btw

and yes, if i missed anything obvious its cuz im a dumbass

Knife on box buddy! (Don't worry you;re not th eonly one. I'll prolly contrast the knife or make it a little bigger) Hope u enjoy the game!

It's such a great game! However, Mega NZ is very unreliable and quite frankly, very slow... Could you make a download link to MediaFire? even AdFly... although the ads on AdFly SUCK

Glad you enjoyed it and thx for the recommendation.

Nopy is also a good option. I believe it's free and supports unlimited high speed download.

i always get best results from mega.
maybe location is relevant?

I cant overwrite the old version of the game. All my saves are gone and i dont want to start over again.

Wait for next update. Everyone has to replay as there will be core changes. A lot of new content as well so it's worth it. 

Any Idea when that one would come out (just a broad like is it weeks a month a couple months etc)

Probably sometime on August


Glad you liked it buds!

I just don't know how to escape the warehouse after freeing my hand, I walked on the upper stairs and found a conversation of the kidnappers but after that i had no choices other than sneaking and being killed

You are suppose to wait till his back is turned then cross

That's right. Observe skinner as he will turn his back. ;D

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how to make him turn his back???...

you have to look at him, he randomly looks back, time your click perfectly


you dont have to allow crossing time, crossing is instant if you click while all backs are turned

where is the bathroom key, there is no one in the mall, there is no one on the PC, does anyone know?

Bathroom key is yet to be implemented. It will be in for the next major update!

Couple of bugs found on android:

No action limit with Eleanor in toalet

Cant really fight in bar

No message from Eleanor to get people in bar

Heya buddy.  I think I've answered your question but for the benefit of everyone here:

1. Yes I'm aware of this bug. I'm remaking the whole Eleanor toilet scene with better animations and system as well. 
2. The mini game with skinner will also be refurbished so it becomes more android friendly.

3. You need to check your phone messages to get Eleanor's message. 

Does anyone know where to find the gas mask? I've been trying to find it for 15 minutes and I just can't seem to find it 

You don't need the gas mask, just play

Yeah I was wondering if I was suppose to get knocked out since the character even remarks that he should have brought a mask. That and it was heavily implied that I should find a mask. Personally I felt that was a bit misleading if you aren't even suppose to find a gas mask. I spent a good while trying to find it :(.

Heya. I removed the mask initially for reasons. The alternative route will be implemented for next update.

Glad to know that there was suppose to be a mask and that it would be implemented! I really enjoy this game and am eagerly anticipating the alternative route. I'm also happy that all my searching (even if it was in vain) was not the completely wrong thing to do. Keep up the good work!

Hello just wondering if the mask ever got added back in since you mentioned it would be in the next update. I haven't played for about a year and I saw there hasn't been many updates so I was wondering if it was still in the works.

Still no gas mask, my man

The is the best game i ever since, the story, the characters are so perfect, do you guys have a game like this? I really need it

Real glad you liked the game Jonbi!

Yeah I agree! The characters are much more nuanced than many other similar games. I especially liked Moon (That was her name if I recalled correctly) even more so when there was that dash of sadness added to her character. I initially thought it was because the BF (sorry forgot his name) exploited her since I initially thought he might be one of those "nice bosses". The fact that he was actually a loyal BF came as a surprise to me but it was honestly one I enjoyed. Both because it subverted my expectations, and because they then gave you a netori option (thank you for that not enough games have netori, it's always NTR) which gives you a moral dilemma; to steal a good guy's girlfriend or to try and support him.

The only character I have a complaint about was those flesh monsters. They creep me out. Oh and the tech guy, what a creep, though I guess we aren't much better peeking on our sister. Can't wait to see how he gets revenge on me though

how do i find the "rich men" to throw the party there at the "bar garrison"?

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Take to Eleanor then come home and she will give you a message 


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Android downloads are working now! :D


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I wish i can pay for the support but sadly i'm broke but i will still support by waiting to completion of the game(i was interested in the ending of the story)

No problem Ninja! You can still support our development by leaving us a 5 star rating, being active in the community and spreading the word! Much love.

in future updates how do you download the game while keeping your previous saves?


Your save files will be intact even when you download a new version. However, the next major update requires a full replay as I will refurbish the core code and add several events/ routes.

awesome, great job on the game! can't wait for future updates

I couldn't find the last clue pls help :(

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there is a walk through in discord

Just walk around usually there is a prompt if you enter a room with a clue that tells you where to look.

You might be missing the necklace in the courtyard. 

How far can I go with Catherine path in this version?? 

You have several scenes with Catherine!

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I guess I'm stuck. I installed a secret camera for Moe, but Mia isn't lustful enough. What should I do?
(Seems like I need to do Mia storyline, but I can't find where to start

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Click heart icon and hover over the girl picture to see hints for progress

Thanks a lot

No problem :D

How do i pass the fight with the john lenon thug? I wanna win but i play on android and cant press the key buttons :c

Im changing the mini game soon to make it better for android. For the moment you gotta save scum to win. Dont worry about beating him at the moment, everybody must replay the game when 0.5 is out.

Oki dokie pal thanks

Okie Dokie! Hope you enjoyed da game!

Deleted 302 days ago

Thx for the feedback. I'll look into it for 0.5. I did not notice that text slider only affects spoken words.

Deleted 302 days ago
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Is there any chance to hit with Moon? :)

Anyway i like the story concepts and of course the renders. Great work man. Keep it up 😎🤘

Of course. Her date is in the next bonus episode! But for Moon, we have to wait a little before getting action. 


if mind control is in this game i would play it


ey just wondering if/how much rape/nc there is in the game? love some of the fetishes listed but if the women aren't into it it's not my thing. game looks great tho


It all depends on the choices you make. You can choose not to be so evil and not do evil things. There are choices in almost every situation that will affect gameplay.

Hey! Amazing game. I'm loving it! However I'm stuck. Any clue how to sneak past the dude in the warehouse?

Make sure he's not facing you before sneaking buddy

How do I do that?

so I got the spanner, flashlight and knife. But i can't see any prompt to cause him to look away. I'm on android if it helps?

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He looks away automatically. Observe his character. Sometimes he will look away.  XDXD

Thanks! Great game. Am loving it. 

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