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Stuck in the warehouse can't figure out how to untie hands. Just scrolling cursor over every pixel at this point.

There's a knife near the grill or stove thingy idk i forgot, increase your brightness its kinda hard to see.


Its on top of the box. I will increase the size next update since it sewms it might be too small for mobile.

Also, the discord wasnt much help for where the gallery is in the mobile version 4.3, its on the main page in all the other versions but i dont see it here.

Just downloaded 4.3 on Android. Loved the previous version and have no doubt this will be as good.

Only question is around the install. Upon installing, I've ended up with another instance of the app rather than replacing the previous version. I know I can copy the save files over but wonder why it doesn't supercede the old version like other apps. I noticed the download was called something different "inc gallery..." but the app is called the same so it's probably a red herring. 

I think I'll start this version from scratch as I think I missed a few bits the first time around however thought I'd mention it in case you weren't aware. 

Keep up the good work. 

Your save files will be inside hour phone and ypu can carry over every update.

I was not able to find the last piece of evidence for the nun case and my auto save didn't go back far enough to be able look for more evidence. I didn't see a "skip" function meaning if I want to complete it I need to start over again and manually click my way through.  Which is saddening to be honest as I just finished all the other content for the update. Is it possible to find all the evidence on the first try or am I just tripping here plz help >-<

No u dont need to restart. I dont know which clue you are missing so i cant help you. U need to be more specific. Head on down to discord and ask for help ;)

hello do you know maeve birthday I need it for the password on the computer please help

hello do you know maeve birthday I need it for the password on the computer please help

Love this game and love that reference to Once In A Lifetime.

Glad u liked it budddy. Esse est deus

(1 edit)

I've been stuck on chanel's side quest. The one where the MC has to find something to free His hands from the rope

Edit: already Sölve this problem (the knife is small AF)

I've another problem though

Its maeve's computer password (her birthday) i already knew the answer but when i type it in,it say wrong password

Like how do you type in? I try type in

0810 and 1008 but Its Still wrong


Your first two digit number is wrong..  

Read it again.

What first two digit

the '08' or the '10'



i'm getting a effing headache cause of this effing Numbers 

She was fired two days before her birthday. It's on the back of the photo... now if you haven't found the photo yet...

Gotta read the clues carefully buds. Was it two days before or after her bday? ;p


Its okay i've got it. I must say....... I'm a effing idiot not realizing the Riddle sooner

><' haha. Its ok. Many peeps took some time to figure it out too.


having the same problem. have tried 1012 and 1210. still wrong


nvm, i insert them in door code instead of computer. my bad.

can i get a hint where this little knife is? been stuck for awhile.

Its on the crate besife the grill

The knife is on top of the box (on the 2nd floor) just tap the box rapidly and you Will got it

Just curious.. first timer here..

So,, i have recently completed this version of 4.3 ..

And later on , if any new update is launched ( i am sure  it will , hoping for it to come soon ;p ) 

Do i need to delete this current version ?  And install the new one,,,or are there some other ways  to update it..  




As long as you keep your save files you can continue next update :D but the next major update (v0.5) must require a replay from beginning. Stuff will be added and stats cleaned up and tabulated so its no worries for now.

Um You just answered the same question with both answers. ><

Someone asked you is the sky blue or red?

You answered


How can i move the save files in the data folder in android? because i can't when i try to move into that folder 😡 fucking android of shit i hate this stupid things!!

Keep calm buddy. Join discord and check the android port channel. This issue discussed many times and people will help you there. 

Hi, I'm a huge fan of the game but why can't I access replay gallery in the android version? This has been bothering me since I can't replay any scenes. Thank you!

Thx for reporting. Pls join discord, go to android port channel. People will guide you there.

Deleted 311 days ago

Esse est Deus.

I've noticed a slight problem.

It seems like I played the side quests out of order. I finished Sage's quest before completing Chanel's one. There is a whole section of Sage's quest (and of course Total Defence Party that appears once you finish it) that references the business opportunity that I am only now being offered as I finish the Chanel's quest.

I held off finishing Chanel's quest as it got a bit too grindy at one point so I spent some time on the other side quests. Then I got locked into the end sequence of Sage's quest.

My recommendation to anyone playing this is to play the side quests in order and leave Total Defence Party alone until you've finished Chanel's quest.


Thanks for the very valuable report! I wouldnt have noticed as no one brought it up.

I will lock the quests for continuity in next update so that it flows. It is pretty challenging to time all the storylines! 

How can I accept Sage's Jealousy side quest? Can someone help me out?

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You need to continue mia's storyline until u meet sage and she will ask you for help. 

Thanks! I just had to visit the coffee shop inn the morning and that was it. By the way how does depravity affect the story?? I am just so curious XD

Awesome. Your depravity levels will be logged. In future certain events require a high/low depravity. It will also affect how characters respond to you and the storyline, endings etc

Wow that sounds cool! Keep up the good  work :)

where do i find maeve password in the lab? im really lost

Hint: check the note on her computer monitor and check the gorilla book.

your discord helped me alot with it. also thank you as well for replying. love the update

can i uninstall the older versions or will i loose my progress?

You wont lose your progress. You save files will remain.

This may be one of the most hyped games in the NSFW section for me. Amazing work man!

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Thank you buddy. So happy you enjoy it. Next big update will be even better

Finally the update is here!!


You mentioned that there will weekly release... is that for patreon or are we going to expect for weekly update here on itch too?

Second, is Catherine repeatable scene bugged? I can go to her house and have three options... but none of them do anything. And, when can we expect for Eleanor repeatable scene to be implemented?

Can stress enough how great is this game and how much fun it is! Keep it up lads!

(1 edit)

Yes as I have created many assets but didn't have enough time to implement in update. Weekly release will be available to patrons first then public. 

Catherine repeatable content will be part of weekly releases. I just set up the buttons first to fill them up later.  I have a few various repeatable scenes in stock ready to go. 

Eleanor spanking scene in bathroom is undergoing full remake as the angles arent good. Once its done it will be a repeatable too. 

Most girls will get repeatable scenes too as the weeks go by. 
Hope that answers your question and real glad you enjoy the game!!

"Yes as I have created many assets but didn't have enough time to implement in update. Weekly release will be available to patrons first then public. "

Does that mean itch peepos will get constant updates too? How long will it takes for it to be released publicly after patrons' early access?
Apologies for being really pushy... especially for someone that gets the game freely :(

Im not sure yet. I will release it when approriate. We need to reward patrons for their support. Dont worry, this game will always be a free game for everybody. 


i am downloading XDDD

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Wazzaaap. Btw guys any problems let me know fast so i can fix it before more people play.

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omg its here ive waited until 4am im so downloading this rn

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OMG, 4am? Aha. Get some sleep!

Really hope you love it. It was a very challenging update to make. I also ended up with tons of unused content that I will release weekly for the next two months. Enjoy it buddy:D:D

sleep is for the weak ill comment again when ive completed it and the weekly updates sound awesome!!

just finished it and loved it, i cant wait for the next 2 months of updates!, the only mistake i spotted was in the special club place, when u talk to suri and zuri by the pool their picture next to the text box is a different girl(ik the area is wip just pointing it out for future patches.) very enjoyable game and was worth staying up for :)

also rated 5 stars


Whoa thanks buddy. Yeah, weekly updates to complete storylines, and adding random/repeatable events and toilet/cam scenes etc etc. I have high hopes for the pool party! I think its super fun. Next major update is HUGE which would complete the church case as well. 

Thanks for the feedback. Though I am curious if anyone found the dildoboy scene and went back 3 times. 

oh I found him once but didn’t end up going back


im having trouble with the spam button to climb in the warehouse its not climbing any advice? 

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The public version 0.4.3 now has a visual indicator bar that will show where you are while pressing the button. Should be out later today I believe. The leaked/early release version does not include this.


Yeap exactly as ixa mentioned. Now all links are on itch. (Just spam the button as fast as you can :D)


When os the 0.4.0 update goin to be public

0.4.3 is live and running on itch now! Really hope you enjoy it. Be sure to share feedback and bugs you found so I can fix it :D:D I also added up with tons of unused content that I will release weekly for the next two months. Be sure to follow and tune in to our itch and patron pages for news!


I'm stuck where u got caught by a thug,how to untie?


How did you get caught by the thug in 0.3.3?? but hypothetically, If I was a dirty pirate, I would look for a knife on a box upstairs. ;-)


Can i have tge 2nd password for the dr. Pc? Thanks! And the pin code as well!


All the clues are available in the lab. ;-) Or check out the Discord for more help.


This game have really good animation, and the gameplay is kinda nice too, it help you to don't get lost. Good game m8.

Thanks. So glad you enjoyed it. Make sure to follow us on itch and patron for latest news. We will be adding new content weekly for the next few months as a special event!


I like the game a lot and it has a chill vibe to it and I never knew playing a detective game can be so fun can't wait for the update💥. By the way what's the soundtrack in the background when you're in your bed and it's morning.?

Thanks for enjoying the game buddy. Update is out now!


When the 0.4.0 is release on itchi io?


This weekend on itch. I need some time to get the update ready for public release. Coming soon :D:D:D



Top tier game, absolutely perfect! 


Thanks buddy! Really happy you liked it

hey guys im not to computer savy, but whe i try to download this game it keeps saying "this title is hosted on an incompatible third party website" does any one know a work around? id like to have it downloaded on the itch app if possible. the game looks to awesome to pass up.

Please wait for this weekend and I will upload a new update! If itch dont work for you come get the link on discord or patreon. Much love. 

awesome thank you!

Can't wait for new content. Super excited

This weekend on itch. I need some time to get the update ready for public release. Coming soon :D:D:D

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arent usually,difference between patreon and public launch is 7 days? just asking as im excited to play new updte :3 


Its varies between 1-2 weeks after private (patreon) release, but longer delay of public release could be of bug fixes and what not. Hope this helped. 

(1 edit)

oh,thanks for the information!

When is the update going to ne public

lets just wait.

do i have to download whole game again for 4.0 or there will be a ingame update or seperate file to download

Usually you just download an updated file that tells the game datafiles that there's an update, but I'm not sure how Milk does these updates. (sorry about the late reply but hope this helped)

This weekend on itch. I need some time to get the update ready for public release. Coming soon :D:D:D

Nice game ain't sure how much there is but was good


I'm just curious where the key is for "The Spear Of Longinus", and who actually committed the murder.

That is as far as the update goes so far


That scene with the hitchhiker (the first/only one), I did not see that coming. Nice one.

I Kno Right!?!?! That is a famous short story but even KNOWING that story it STILL got me! VERY well done!

When will it be free to play?

Really nice game like it 

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This is absolutely promising seeing a lot potential here with the 3d animations and a lot of funny references too lol whats up with maeve? looks like someone from paladins along with the infinite stratos art lol...

but anyways great art and potential in this game looking forwards to future updates!!

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