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Dude where can I find the bent nail evidence?

(1 edit)

there is a section where u have very tall bookshelf and a staircase. Its somewhere in there

I lowkey just click everywhere


go to discord and there should be a walkthrough channel and it will tell you

How can you get yourself to interact with the 2 girls in the bar?

Get the Chanel (bar-chick) sidequest

Is there a way to straight into new content or will we have to play it since the beginning


The saves are compatible with old versions!


How do i beat Skinner on android?

Sry buds. Currently most android players can't play the mini-game. U have to count on ur luck. 50/50%

It will be fixed for android users next update. Cheers


Hey already played the game and loved everything about it story, character development, investigation, just everything.

I know next update is 60% done but can you tell us what to expect in the next update just a little bit and thx for making this game.

Awesome. Glad you liked it. It's at 90%. Aiming for release this weekend.

Lets goo

wow i thought there was still some time left but ok cant wait

I'm having troubles with the controls on mobile, can somebody tell me how to manually save?

Read the whole post again. Swipe down for menu then go to save. Smh

Oh thanks, just figured it out!

Deleted 1 year ago

Is mia your sister and is there a mod to fix the cencorship?

We don't create games that break terms of service of Patreon or itch. 

But drop by our discord channel and there is a community of people that can help you with any problem you need. 

What do I have to choose?

chose the one u think. It dont really matters for this update the case is not finished so it doesnt really impact the game yet.

thank you🙇‍♂️

U don't have to thank me Im glad I could help

how do i even get to choose, i got all the evidence but i don't know what to do now.

Go talk with the girls and acuse them for the progression of the case

There is a red hand icon to click when u go to talk wit them. click there and progress the case

(1 edit)

So, I just finished playing this and I have this to say(for what its worth) (btw this will be quite long, cuz I always take pleasure *reviewing* games I really enjoy)

This is not a pure nsfw game its more like a game that is full of nsfw content (at least how I see it). This is Very GOOD you can play this as a simple but cool game or just to get some solid faps😏(the 3D models are great and animated).

The gameplay is kinda odd (in a good way) it has your typical LN driven story and the point and click (quite generic to nsfw game), but the way the story progresses as u 'play' detective solving cases and EXPERIENCE the *lore* of the world unravel is very UNIQUE.

The story is amazing, I honestly loved playing because of the story. It has many aspects that I did not expect. The story can be a bit over the top but it is super fun and I'd say they executed it quite well, since this is not even the full release. Its not SUPPER scary but that creepy ambient track is AMAZING, the eerie ominous sound really bring out how strange and out of place it must feel to be in those scenes and us controlling the mc (as the player) really feel that too.

the fist case is kinda weak since the 'story' does most of the work. Its ok but nothing like the 2nd case. There I can really see the type of experience they game devs are going for and it really Shines the most out of all this game has to offer.  *PS: not just talking bout the detective 'mini game' but also what came after that intrigued me.*

Sidelines are mostly for cultured content but that Sage's sideline was very intriguing.  My expectations where blown away by that...

Good game, as a nsfw I'd give it a very high 8/10 due to how well it holds of as a proper game it actually is other than the cultured content.


...The game is earlyish development, so expect the quality to get better and more refined.

Deleted 3 years ago

Thx for the detailed review and glad u liked it buddy

Deleted 351 days ago

The fuck is wrong with people these days? Some real sick fucks the likes of you lately.

Deleted 3 years ago

We are talking about a fictional work. ^^ Some people would call you a sick fuck for playing a porn game XD

(1 edit) (-1)

This is a game, a fictional work, games like these are sometimes made to fill out the fantasy of others, If you don't get that i suggest you just stop playing these types of games altogether, I don't wanna be mean but thats what you will see ok, its not real so don't be that person, tbh i don't like that stuff much either it digusts me it really does but i can appreciate the works ok. and in this work im glad there is none or at least i hope


Thank you for thinking rational ^^


What do you guys think is the best trait for the character? I choose smooth operator but i dont know if its the best.


Inteligent is pretty fun cuz u see all the cleaver ways he comes up to solve problems.

smooth operator is more like passing the speech check,

Haven't really tried the other one but I'd guess its more for usefulness in combat(I donno)


Don't worry too much. Initial stats give u a bonus at the start, but as the game progresses you can level up other stats as well. 

The game works, the story interesting, the scene good, and whatever I see so far works smoothly.

However, look at the image I embedded with my comment. Device is Asus VivoBook Max X441B, see if you folks can figure out the problem. Hope you folks good whatever on your side. Peace out.

Hi, I'm new to this game and would like to check it out on my  android device but MEGA won't let me download it for some reason. Is there an alternative download program that I can use?


Try to use a VPN app alongside MEGA 'cause you're probably having the same issue I had a few weeks ago. Changing your IP through said app should fix it.

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Bookshelf to right of spiral staircase. The selection spot is small, so you may have to search a bit.

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Deleted 3 years ago

You just need to download the new version. It should overwrite the older version and keep your progress.

I'm generally not a fan of horror games, which at a glance it looks like there are some horror elements to the game. What types of  horror are included and how frequent do they come up? Are there jump scares in the game? Thanks!

Played trought it and all horror that came up in the current version was a scream and some tense atmosphere in the prologue and 1 encounter where a creature (somewhat like a skinned human) stumbles towards you trought a dark corridor (leading to the fight you see in the 8th and 9th screenshot) 
O and not sure if i missed it or its something only your charakter saw (as in it wasnt shown) but apparently during 1 dream a face of a girl changes to be more demonic) but thats all i can think off 

Deleted post

The horror is not very strong I'd say (its not weak but not super terrifying).  There are no jump scares. I'd say its mostly the creepy ambient track that they got.

Como saber se terminei o jogo pois tou na parte da mulher com o cabelo verde e não consigo filme ela nao tá mais aparecendo nada tudo reptido Alguém pode me ajudar

(2 edits)



So one of the images shows a weird spider thing. How much content involves creatures/monster adult scenes? It's a positive for me, not a negative. However, I'm fine either way. 


Probably a lot, but in case you didn't play the game yet:


You get to go toe-to-toe with that spider-thing after throwing hands with two other monsters before that: No-Arms Frank and another dude that has arms and can fight back.

I don't doubt that there will be other fight scenes especially if the only monsters that appear in-game are the size of the MC with no special features other than big ass teeth and claws. 


I more meant monster's having fun with the girls, but fair enough. :P


Ok then... sick fuck


As we all are. lol


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(5 edits) (+3)

Found this game by chance and it's positive surprise, story seems interesting and promising, animations and renders are good quality and the scenes are hot.

I like that you can be more dom in some scenes and I hope it won't be the case only in slave route (I mean you can be dom during actual thing but still care about girls), but I guess it's to early to tell.

Hope for more that kind of content (hopefully repetitive) - especially with Catherine and Eleanor - I mean, they seems to like it. :P

About repetitive scenes, right now it's kind of bad, you can't even watch again Beatrice video (unless I'm blind), it's not big deal but it always feel nice to be able to do so. I know game is still in early stage so probably more repetitive content will appear.

From story point of view, I like the cases idea, sadly I seems to not be smart enough to tell for 100% who killed Anna, but thx to that I can't wait for continuation of that case. :P BTW: not only here cliffhanger but also in Sage side case, ugh, evil. ;P

Personally don't like mini games and wish there was option to turn them off - but it's just my preference.

Can't wait for next updates, keep a good work! Will try to support when I can!


Thanks man, for the review, u sold me to play this game. (I was kinda leaning to try but u definably intrigued me to play it)

Maybe there is no murder of anna (I havent played the game so I dont know), maybe there will be integrated in a future update.

How do i get The scene where Mia is in the bathroom when MC walk in the 2nd time?

After the first time i cant get that scene again all i get is an dialogue tell me go to some hardware store and thats it.

Yo, who's the girl in the banner. Looks cute

sorry for my bad english

i love this game everything is great 

except that the MC's face is shown way too much


Is there any way to change the whole guardians/childhood friend thing? I'm liking the game so far but it feels a bit forced. I might be completely wrong but Mia and the MC are supposed to be siblings no?

From what I've got, I guess that they were adopted. Unlesss I got the wrong signals as the story progressed, so the whole guardian and childhood friends thing probably isn't censorship. 

There's a patch on f95. It's probably censored because patreon and itch remove those games.

How many hours of content will I be able to play on this version of the game?

Depends on your speed. Most report 4-5 hours. I suggest to wait till the next update and you get another 2 hours. 

Okay thanks for the reply. I’ll download this for sure coz the concept matches my interest. Thanks again.

this game show MC face or no?


Not excessively so, but yes.

I'm having a lot of fun playing this game... not just because I'm a degenerate sick fxxx who is always horny all the time, but I always appreciate people making fun and interactive stories. Looking forward for the update for this game and your other projects!

Speaking of update tho... I know I am not a patreon (yet) so I can't ask much from you, but is there going to be one soon?

Alas, keep making good contents!


No worries. I'm working overtime (loads of coffee) to release the next update within the month.  Aiming for 2 hours play time as usual. I can't do it fulltime (yet) so we'll try to get there asap. Cheers. 


You know what's really sad? Having a creative experience come to an abrupt halt by absolutely ruining it's immersive qualities due to referencing a certain real world event out of the sake of humor. I really enjoyed it until then, but have since uninstalled. Such a shame, because there was promise here, and all it took was one line of dialogue to ruin the whole thing.

Deleted 3 years ago

You know what's even sadder? Being stupid to the level of saying that a single line of dialogue ruined an entire game just because you're buthurt. Dude, this game isn't immersive at all so I don't know what you're talking about, so fuck the reference to some real world shit 'cause it changes 0% of the game. 


Sorry mate for the bad experience. Which real world line are you referring to? If it's abt corona then I have to say the virus is so strong that it has now spread to Netherhelm. I encourage you to buy a mask from the convenience store and make your mc wear it. You can't solve cases and build a harem with a weak immune system. 

If you're referring to one of the movies during the couch scene, then yes I am changing the movie next update. Not because I'm afraid of offending people but because it is indeed a very silly and overused joke. I'll find another movie.  (Btw 3 of our top patrons are German.)

Cheers and much love. 

I stumbled over this because of the bundle - well done, especially the second case with the find clues/interview suspects game loop. Looking forward to see the story unfold.

Poking around in the code base I found a small bug: The variable for taking advantage of Sophia in the store is never set, "$ soe4_takeadvantage == True" (somewhere in Events_Sophia.rpy) is a comparison and does not set the variable to true : )

Sneaky sneaky. Yes I am aware of that bug. But sadly I was only made aware recently when one of my patrons told me. So countless of players have played the scene without having the code tracked. I now have to figure out a way to retrack the code for old players or to scrap the consequence I have planned for that choice. 

you could use the built-in label "after_load"* to ask the player: if the event happened (sophia.eventscale >= 13 I think) show a menu with an apologising text (:D) and the question how the MC reacted in the store. set soe4_takeadvantage accordingly and introduce a bool to never ask the player again (soe4_takeadvantage_loadfix or something, with default false. should be set to true in the store scene [fixed game version] and in the load correction function [old saves loaded in the fixed version].


Yeah, I don't really want to ask the player. It's okay, I'll figure something out. Thx for the spot buddy! It helps a lot. 

(1 edit)

how do I access Free mode with Elea?


Repeatables with Cat and El will be available next update :D

I have finished all the content and am really looking forward to the next update


Awesome buddy. I'm working on it and it will be out for patrons soon. Really going hard as I'm not able to do this full-time yet so stay tuned!

(1 edit)

I can't get into the bathroom again with Mia - how do I buy the key? I can't increase her submission any more :( and her lust is stuck at 1! Everything else in the game is done, including the side quests and 2 detective cases.


You've probably reached the end of content available for now. The key is not available yet as bathroom choices and scenes are not complete.

I want to download the game, but it says I have an incompatible third-party website. What does it mean?


That happens to me with a bunch of these. Try downloading from (the website) instead of the application. That should work! The only sucky thing is that you have to manually re-download to get updates.

(1 edit)

Yeah. That's a common theme for all these renpy games. I'm frankly surprised that no one has come up with a true update mechanism for this instead of discrete re-releases. And if someone has, they need to share that code around. 

Maybe when I get some free time, I'll play around with that. I'm pretty familiar with Python, but unfortunately not with Ren'py. 

But I refuse to believe it's not possible. If we could download just a couple of hundred MB instead of in excess of a GB for each version of each game like this, I think a lot of people would be happier about it. 

Edit: Just proofreading. 

Does anyone know how to find Garrison Bar for Sage Jealousy quest? Im playing on android if thats important thanks.

It's on the map. If you can't see it, it means u haven't unlocked the location. U need to finish your first case to unlock it. 

Oh I see, thanks for the reply. Also, loving the game so far keep up the good work.

Damn, i didn't expect this masterpiece as a free game. The image quality is awesome, the ui view is stylish. The only problem is the buttons on the upper left screen is too small in Android but other than that this is awesome

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Yes we will be looking to refurbish the android buttons to make it bigger.

Can't wait for the finished version💞

Awesome. Check out our patron page to support our development! I hope we can garner enough patron support to complete the game. 


(1 edit)

Is the discord link broken?

It's working fine for me

How do you get a bathroom key? It says go to the hardware store online but how do you do that? It's not on the computer or the phone.

U can't buy the bathroom key in this update

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