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Is the game uploaded in another website? Like GDrive?

go to, there are multiple links there

(1 edit)

I play in android phone how do i win fights that uses keyboard? 

After using matchsticks on the map it revealed the no.s and patterns but was not able to understand it and was not able to open the main door with password. Please help. 

Took me a while as well. Go back to room where you found peanut butter. There's a light switch on the wall. Keep playing around with that switch and the ones in the room with the safe until it glows orange like the safe room. If you found the code for safe you'll know what i mean.

(1 edit)

no bro i'm still not getting it. How to translate that 

look at the shapes on the paper.

the first symbol is L since the shape of the symbol is L with a dot in the corner, and the letter L is in this shape, thus the first number of the code is 7

what music did you use for the game

Is catherine still gliched in 5.0? Nothing is showing up in the repeatable thing.

not implemented yet

1.How to get bathroom key? 

2.How to let sophie revise subject? 


1 . Go To Church In Front You Will See A Locksmith Ask Him To Make Bathroom Key. (Take $500 With You)

2.First Give Her Money To Buy  Book, After She Have Buyed The Book Just Click On Submission Button (Hand Cuff Button).Tell Her To Go Study. Then Ask Her When Is Her Exam.  when She Studying You Will See A Option To Revise Subject . Click On it. Help Her Revise All Subjects. 

If  You Need Answers Of Revise Subject Reply  me. 

Answers please



No Problem

Thanks, got it

I have cash in the thousands but I cannot create a bathroom key I'm playing v5.5 on Android and was wondering if it was even in that version

Well I Never Tried Making Key In v5.5 Version So I Don't Know. Well Why Don't You Try V6.1 ?

what do i do after she gets them all right and passes, what do i do

If Catherine Come MC Home At Night It Last Event For Sophia For This Update

How do i get her to show up

You have to  complete Sophia Event

How do I increase Sophia's affection? I'm hit with the message "you cant increase affection by just playing games."

Well That's all you can do for this update. But Try increasing Submission points.

Thanks!. I maxed it out also.

Bro i do a mistake i accidentally Refuse the pay To Sophia 

I have given her multiple times of $250 for buying books, but she kept repeating the the lines of the biology book. How to solve it?

how to increase sophia level ???

you have to make the key by progressing the nun story. When the chapel appears, click the icon. Go to it in the day time, there is a blacksmith that makes keys for the bathroom and her room. You go to her room, youll find out that she was milking you like a simp for cash. There on out you can advance her story a bit more.

i have a bathroom key. how to use it?

When Mia Is In Bathroom. 

how to create that situation

Just Go To Bathroom In Morning Of Any Day And If She There Just Use Key To Get Inside .

Well There Is Not  Much Scene But If You Have Enough Affection Or Submission Point You Can Touch Her While She Bath.

I need some help on black mailing the nuns, I can't find anything


So You Didn't Find A Single Clue

Oh no i have all the clues except for 2 i cant seem to find

i have looked everywhere, there rooms , everywhere

Which Nuns  Clues You Didn't Get ?

idk i checked and i have all of em


so Interrogate Them

Quick question when is this game going to be completed

Just a quick question, I only started playing but please tell me Mia doesn't stay like that? Not mentioning anything to prevent spoilers but does she go back?

Are You Talking About Mia Being Pregnant?

No I was talking about the breasts, so yes I guess the pregnancy, I finished the quest line so gotta wait for update. I just hope it goes back, I liked her model beforehand

Yup Me Too

(2 edits) (+1)

     Finished playing 0.6.1, only a few problems with this game, first the progress indicators, they're just really useless considering a lot of events don't have any (they also just suck in helping for the events that do have them), basically playing blind but that can be fun for some. 

     Also it's a bit weird that there's a decent chunk of content but only 2 girl panels in the relationships tab (Sophia and Mia) and those 2 girls don't have much content either, not a turn-off just a bit disappointing you can't do much with them since they're both really cute. Idk if I'm just bugged and there're supposed to be more girl panels, thought for sure one of the rest  (Beatrice/Eleanor/Catherine/Maeve/Moon) would make it.

     Lastly there's some inconsistency with scenes, like with Eleanor after finally doing it with her and unlocking the free roam it says (interaction not available this update) when you click her afterwards. Also with Beatrice after that intimate event it's weird for her to say she doesn't know you well enough (need to build rapport still) during the interaction where you tell her to take off her clothes the subsequent times.

I'm aware there aren't many easy to find walkthroughs for this game, if anyone needs help you can message me on disc Sorata#8070.

Hey can you help me with Catherine and coming at the night event. I can't max out all the bars of desperation, sensitivity and ruin when you fuck her 

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Im stuck in the church on the case, what do I do because I've got all the Evidence and I've intervened all of them so what do i do now?

nvm got it


What did you do?....... I'm stuck as well.

(1 edit)

Great game!

But I'm stuck on Beatrice, How do i maxed all of her stats?

Nevermind I figured it out.

How did you do it?..... I can't seem to max her intimacy either.

You need the right combination during your daily meeting with her I think I chose Cuddle, Watch TV, Cuddle, naked or something along those lines. I completely forgot sorry

I think I tried all the combination....... I'll try again though. Thanks 👍🏻

Whats the pattern ive been stuck on that forever

How do you raise your strength and intelligence stats in this? I get stuck on the sneaking part of a mission and having to reload an old save

(1 edit)

It Will Raise Along With Events

(1 edit)

It's good but, why does the mc never finish inside? during that blowjob too he just covered her. (Edit: he did it with that nun so I guess the option still exists)

The game is AMAZING!!


Guys I have a question, how do I get the keys for the bathroom when Mia is in it? Please help I am stuck with her and I can't seem to do anything :(

Thanks In advance

do you know what is the last clue of Delilah?

(2 edits)

It Her Phone Which Will Be in Her Room, Before That interrogate Eve and Miriam,  After Searching  Phone Go To Moe At Night To Get More Evidence 

If You Can't Find Her Phone In Morning Try Different Time 

iknow this is 2 years late but the option to get key in the the key seller guy never shows up also i have no living room

(1 edit)

Just Go To The Church In Front You Will See A Locksmith Click On It And Ask Him To Make Bathroom Key.

Note :- You Must Have $500 For Making Key

Same Method Goes For Sophia Room

And Your Welcome 

Do you know what to do after interrogating all the nuns?

(1 edit)

If You  Gone To the Crypt it finished for The Update Of Case

But If you not Gone To the Crypt Ask Eve To Take you There 

c'è un modo per attivare questo evento? perché non funziona per me

Did you interrogate all the Nun?


Then Visit Eve in evening at church and tell her to take you to crypt 

too many connections for download? any mirrors?

For Which Platform Do You Need?

does anyone have a windows saved game right before v5.5 starts so I dont have to replay the entire game. 

in android it is not possible to use the cell phone to call?

won't let me call or text

What's the password on maeve's computer

First Is Big Breasts

And Next one Is 1210

But you Have Search all The Possible Clues in That Room



Guys i have a question, should I give Moe the harddrive or not?

Thank you in advance

(2 edits) (+1)

It's Your Choice To Give Him Or Not, I Suggest you Should Not Give Him. Moe will Angry But You Can Progress Further In Game, But If You  Have Chosen Smooth Operator  in Starting.   You Can Smoothly Talk Your Way Out of it Without Giving Hard-drive .  But If you want Give Him it's Your choice 

And Your Welcome  

Thanks for the help I appreciate it. :)

Hit a dead end for the game. Cant  get the bathroom or bedroom keys. Are they even in 0.5.5. I can't use patreon due to a disagreement with their customer support. So no chance of getting a walk through or guide. 

Please add another way to download other than MEGA plz it never works.

(2 edits)

Download it on desktop. It works on mine and almost everyone here.

Download The Mega App

How much storage do you need before playing the game I have 2gigabyte free storage but it's not installing please help

does anyone have a saved game right before 5.5 starts so I dont have to replay the entire game

For Which platform Do You Need?

windows, thanks.

(1 edit)

Sorry Bro I Played Android Version  Before So Can't Help You

ah ur good dw abt it

(1 edit)

Ah yes new version finally im so excited

What does taboo do?


almost 1 year from last update so I restart the game to remember good whats going on....this game is still an awesome and amazing 200 games from itch and this game is absolutely in the best 5....cant really describe how amazing this game is....TOTALLY WORTH PAY FOR IT....keep the awesome work up guys ✌👍(i could need a hand for the crypt here a walktrough maybe??)

How do you update in android?


sucks that I have to wipe all of my progress in the game for the new update
:/. regardless, I'm enjoying the game.

yo, are you on windows by chance

yep. why, whats up?

do u have a saved game right before v.5 starts so I dont gotta replay the whole game. 

(2 edits)

You Still Not Played it 



Sup Moolah milk, great to see you game getting ever so closer to completion.

It's been almost a year since I first tried you game and I'm really happy to see where you are at.

I've always liked what you did here from the humour to the detective part and as always I am exited to see what this major update has to offer.


Where do i save and load in andoid where is the manu button?

Dude calm down to save you will see a little disc icon near the time and day in the top left. For menu, swipe up.


Where do i save and load in andoid where is the manu button?



Where do i save and load in andoid where is the manu button?


I love the references to other VN's. That alleyway scene was fucking golden

I am wondering if the choice is important when your mentor ask which nun you like.

Can you only have a more detailled story with one nun ?
Or the choice is irrevelent, and you can have fun as much as you want ?

It Doesn't Matter Which Choice You Make


Why do i need to use something called mega to download this?

If the file is too big, it's usually posted on Mega. Use Chrome or Firefox to download.

I just wish mega didn't suck so bad. It's taken an hour to get to 40%.


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