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Anyone else having trouble with the phone?

Whats the issue with the phone natsu?

it's fine now I fixed it thanks

I’m playing from Japan!

Yokoso Takenoa!

I've really enjoyed what's available in the current version and look forward to what's next. Keep up the good work!

Awesome. Next update coming in August. It will be epic

the game is great and i like it. But i seem to be stuck in the kidnapping. I alreay took solomon coin and dont know what to do next.

Find the flashlaight then go back for the batteries in the van and then look for places where you can use your flashlight and find the wrench and then you continue. Won't say anymore because that will spoil it too much but I hope this helps

i could not do or touch anything. how to get out of the rope? i've been stuck for 2 days now

There is a knife on top of a box. You can also find what is interactable by pressing the up arrow on a computer. That's how I found it, I was also stuck :d

Yeap. Knife on box. I will make it larger as it seems too small to be seen on some android devices.

When is the next major update? Just asking 😁


August bebe. Big one. And im tying up many loose ends. Its a grind.

Can't wait 😁

Thank you for your efforts with this. It really does have some great potential!


Is mia tsu?

Hmmm...what is tsu?

(2 edits)

it means something like "chic/hip/fashionista", i'd say "no" is the answer, but based on context, im not sure he is using the term correctly, i dont think it would be possible to interpret Mia as tsu, other girls maybe, but not mia.
maybe he's trying to abbreviate tsundere (temperamental and snobbish)? again, i'd say she is not.

Fashionista and hip? Hmm interesting. Well i dont think mia is that much of a fashiontista.

Maeve's dance, another Easter egg?! Lol

Yeap. Way too sexy for my shirt. 

absolutely loved it haha. Still thing to figure out game and build relationship with mia

I'm stuck again haha. At maeve's office trying to find out password and code for lab..I really suck at this haha

Nevermind finally got was in my face the whole time LOL

Where did you find her birthday I have been looking for days same with the key pad on the door


password is in book with gorilla. Solve picture in trash bin for her bday


thanks I had found the letter an pic I'm not sure why but I was putting the date in backwards 

ah ok

ok so, i was just playing this game and then i waw a fucking goddess idk her name it says unknown, but theres an animation where shes like flying, and i want that, maybe as a wallpaper or just the animation it self or as a gif, i would be very happy if u do.  

I'll post it as a wallpaper on discord after next major release :D

(2 edits) (+1)

I have found all the clues but cannot continue the game.  Please show me

You have to confront them about the clues you found in the church and in them (so things like no necklace, a injury, etc stuff like that)

How? I can't confront them

Its been a while so idk if its changed but you should find them around the church. I think you just have to talk with them and you will have a choice to accuse them, I think.


Thank you :)  but I found it already 

When is the fight mini game with skinner gonna be compatible for mobile devices

Next major update.  :D

I'm doing sage side question and stuck in warehouse with hands toed behind back. Anyone get past this point I need advice

Kinfe on box perhaps? I'm increasing the size so it's more noticeable next updates. 

ok coz I saw no knife. I'll look again

Is bonus only for patreon or will it come to public access soon?

Also before getting key from boss ladies house, roommate mia was lust '9' but after I got key mia lust went down to '1'.. what happened?

Lust is meant to be dynamic not absolute. She masturbated so her lust dropped. 

ohhhh makes sense



Glad to know the game is popular among chinese folks too. But I can't read it sorry...




Can't contact girls on phone, can't talk to best friend in kitchen. Great graphics tho. So far, still giving it a chance

Early days bebe. Early days. 

True. Still love the game. Keep it up. And I like ur active here. Some creators don't seem to care


Gostaria de a poiar porém não sei se o jogo tem tradução para o português brasileiro

Sry mate. I can't understand you :(

He means : "I would like to support it but I don't know if the game has translation into Brazilian Portuguese"

Oh thanks for the translation shubham. Sadly, no official Brazilian Portugese translation but I'm pretty sure there are third party translations somewhere out there. 

Lapk jogos tem mano eu baixo lá

I absolutely love the "One in a Lifetime" reference in your game. When I saw that I had a good laugh because I had just previously played the game. Keep up the good work man! 5/5 stars

Gotta love dildo boy!

Omfg I lost it when I found him that shit was hilarious thank u!

Great game! 5 stars definitely.

Glad you liked it buddy! Hope you like the next coming update. It's a BIG one.

This might be a little off-topic, but does anyone know where I can download Milfy City and not get a virus.

im doing the nun case and got all the clues but im at the last part of the thing where i caught the gardener but i cant do anything else to progress the game

Hmmm? I need more details. I hope it's not a bug. Why don't you join discord and have a chat so we can help you. It works fine for me. 

actually i just replayed the part and found a missing peice of evidence that was the neck piece was missing probably cuz white on white doesnt work wel


(1 edit)

Just finished the whole game in one go, absolutely love the visuals, the camera movements are insane. Ive never seen that in any other games. Cant wait for the next update😁

Glad u loked it buddy. Hard at work for the next version ;)

Hey moolah ! 

Really great game, im playing on the mobile version and i cant make phone call. I Can go to the repertory but then i cant make call or sens text. Is there an issue with the mobile version ?

Thanks in advance !

Android seems to be working fine. Are u at an event that requires you to call? Glad u enjoyed it.

Hey ! Yup that was the problem i wasnt far enougth in the game.

Thanks !

Always stuck at warehouse.. where to find tool to fidle powerbox? (i already have knife) 

Look around for a flashlight to help u find tool.

Thks i found it, btw this awesome...cant wait ur update

Nice! On da way!


When is the main story gonna be updated

Next major update.


I can't find maeve's birthday, must it be told in the scene?

Yes. U have to follow the clues :) be sure to solve puzzle in the bin and check the letter on maeves desk!


How do I rotate the photo squares in android?

d点击下载后出现一个无法显示的页面 怎么回事


What does the "Taboo" setting do? Is it like some sort of incest patch that is already in the game and you just activate it from the settings?

Where is the taboo setting

 global name 'name' is not defined error

U must be using an external controller :)

Awesome so far cant wait for more, also can you add it to where we can rewatch scenes?

Yes. i will add gallery soon.

awesome I cant wait to replay some of the scenes, also keep up the good work I really enjoy the storyline , anyways yeah good luck lol I'll be waiting 


d点击下载没有反应 然后就蹦出404


Are you unable to download it?

Actually how i want to release myself from being tied by the rope,i stuck at that van part

Check out the knife on the box.

Is there ever going to be a walkthrough we will be able to download 

Yes. Next major update will have a refurbished walkthru.


I can't increase Mia's lust. I got to the discussion right after Moon flashed me, and now it says there are no more events for Mia in this update. The sidequest with Sage asks me to talk to a person who works at the Bar, but i have no access to the bar and i dont know anyone that works there. I'm stuck and i dunno what to do


Follow the instructions on the sidequest tab to pursue side quests. Follow the hints on the relationship tab (heart icon ) to pursue relationship levels. Mia's lust will automatically increase when you pursue her event. 

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