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So after 12 hours i try again and it still the same. I can't type the full password.. if you try really hard and zoom. You can see that I only typed big b. I can't type more than 5 letters.. meaning I can't type the whole password. Please fix this bug. "ASAP"

Anyways amazing game. 


hey man..i do it a few hours ago...whats your problem??? difficulties to write 1210 and den open the door???maybe this game is not for you.....


Hey buddy. The password you have in mind is for the computer. You need to unlock her computer first to get the lab password :D


Omg. I feel so stupid. I can't stop laughing. I'm literally pissed at my self for being dumb. Anyways thanks man. Lol still can't believe

I'm looking forward to the next update! A review of the game I give full marks! That's great. Thank you.

(2 edits) (-2)

Bro.... I almost gave up.... I found a bug.. I think.. every time I back out from typing(I'm on android) i can't type again by clicking the black place. And I already knew the password for the door. For the scientist. But I can't get in because it seems like I can't type anything. I type and blackout and see nothing on the blank. This is soo frustrating. Hope you can fix this bug.


delete the files of the game and go to play hello kitty summer edition please...this game is not for you......


Hey a******,  think you become a big detective? after figuring out two different words? why don't you shut the f*** off and stop telling people who should play what game.

Lol 😂

Deleted 3 years ago

Really happy you liked it buddy! Hope you look forward to the next update. And yes, most of all girls you meet will be romanceable or corrupted. 

Deleted 3 years ago
(2 edits)

Try Taffy Tales, its a 'good' game that has a lot of that corruption stuff. Its not a 3D game, if u care about that, but its not anime art either, its has a sort of unique cartoon art style.

And I kinda like that take they had on the game... Its a good game not as good as this one but its still good.

..I'll leave it at that.

Deleted 3 years ago

You're welcome dude :)  Have fun

How to download file update


I can't grab the bat lmao what happened?

Whats the issue with the bat? U mean at the start?


Yes, it's lagging on my phone. I'm not sure if it's because of my phone or the game. I tried to reinstall few times but it's still the same

Thats unfortunate. I havent encountered any issues. I'll lool into it. Thx for the feedback!

Uhh anyone can help me? I literally stuck in this for 2 days already


Look at the gorilla book and check the post it note on laptop for clues about password. For 2fa, rummage thru the trash and chekc the letter on her desk. Put 2 + 2 together and walla. 


Just type "big breasts" on the PC then it will ask you for two factor authentication type 1210 then you will get the door code.

I like the game rly but the maeve password on the PC and the Code fucking m up i try the book and i found the pic

Look at the gorilla book and check the post it note on laptop for clues about password. For 2fa, rummage thru the trash and chekc the letter on her desk. Put 2 + 2 together and walla. 

Also your side quests are fucking amazing. I expected 10 minute little side stories but they are often hours long and more involved than even the main story. They are Witcher 3 lvl well done!

Thanks shiranai. Real happy you liked the side quests. They actually have a lot to do with the main events.

Will that Face Hugger return?  Great game btw.


Really glad you liked it potato. Hmm. Maybe.

hello do you know maeve birthday I need it for the password on the computer please help

Check the trash 3 times until you get a picture puzzle. She wrote on the back of it. You'll be able to figure it out from there.

Be sure to check trash can and the letter on her desk.

Just wanted to clarify the 0.5 announcement, the 6 extra mini episodes are released early to Patrons,but will be included in the 0,5 release when it lands on

Yes. 6 episodes will be included in 0.5 release.

can you join the Chinese language?

I hope so!

Hello !

I need your help with something. I started playing this game on Android but the installation of the new version fails every time. 

Is there a way to extract a save file or something like that ? 

Thank you in advance ! Also great game :')

You need to head down to our discord to resolvr your android problems

Alright, will do. 

Thanks :)

Maeve is best girl. 

That is all...


the game in android continues with the problem of the fight in the bar, which tells you to play with the keys of a pc

Thats right luffy. I'm refurbishing the mini game but for now you can skip it.

Hey moolah im so tired of a short story of your game ihope you'll release now the new update im bored now.

(1 edit)

I know that feeling. Come join patron and help take us to full time then :D

hello do you know maeve birthday I need it for the password on the computer please help


Great game thus far, but I was really taken aback by how big Maeve's hands are! Like, DAMN ...

Hahaha you are right. you're like the third person so far who mentioned the hands. Never noticed it before and now I cant stop seeing it. Especially at certain angles. 

I need to change the size of them hands. Rofl. But bigger is always better right?

Quick question concerning the story how/where can I cut the ropes when I'm in that old factory/building I tried every possible way or at least I guess so and love the game btw but haven't been able to play I through yet. 

you would probably need a knife to cut the rope. Well, luckily theres a knife on top of a box. What a coincidence.

I am officially blind af, thx mate

aha no worries its a little small. I think its hard to spot for androis users

(2 edits)

Does this game have walkthrough guide? Also where can find main menu for Android

Swipe up/dwn/left/right for menus and systems

Any chance you're going to release the Linux version for 0.4? Loved 0.3

are u unable to run the windows version on linux?

I am, yes. The 0.4.3 .zip doesn't have a bash script (the .sh file) to launch it. I tried copying over the bash script from the 0.3 version but the errors seemed to be caused by some missing libraries.

I don't think Itch recognizes it as Linux compatible either as the windows versions that are compatible have the Linux penguin icon, and the new version does not.

Thanks for taking the time to look at it though!

Deleted 2 years ago

Click on the heart icon in the UI and hover over the girls photo. You will see hints on how to progress individual girls storylines. You need to progress Mia storyline to increase lust. Have fun! 

But that's the same issue I'm having, and the hint says "you do not have any way of increasing lust" so I'm just stuck here with no where to go


It says u have no way to increase at the moment. U need to continue her storyline and there will be an event that increases her lust. Just follow the hint system ;) U get some fun time with Mia!

Does the taboo option just turn off incest or does it remove other stuff too?

How do I get the bathroom key? I just started the game and I got a dialogue saying I should buy the key online, but I'm not seeing the option.

Bathroom scenes not available yet this update 

Deleted 3 years ago

I don't know where you are at.  You need to be more specific. In any case, just follow the hints and solve other side quests and main quests first.

Deleted 3 years ago

I can't download for Android

(1 edit)

Android Link is fixed!


I need help in the two factor autentication please

Hint: Rubbish bin and letter on her  table. 


Could I get some help for how to max out rapport, intimacy, and liberation for Beatrice on the couch? I haven't unlocked any abilities after getting her naked. I go snuggle, movie, snuggle, movie, strip, strip, snuggle. Intimacy always comes up just a little short.


There are hints on what the actions do. Snuggling while naked will give bonus points vs snuggling clothed

I need help as well i have been on this for 20 days

I need help too!!


Help me also please i cant know how to do its above a week but i cant do and now i am pissed that i think i delete this game 😑😑

Is there any other option to download?

(1 edit)

Android Link is fixed!

I can't download it by mega, would you have another link to download it?
(1 edit)

Android Link is fixed!

thanks bro

i dont know where to get the date for the two factor authentication

help im stuck in the lab


Scavenge the trash bin then you'll have clues

(1 edit)

On Android can't read what the prompts are when asked to type on the keyboard as it covers everything maybe move the textbox to the top of the screen when needed

(2 edits)

Oh just remembered something else! As cool as the easter egg is. You gotta remove the musician. You WILL get sued. Maybe not today maybe not tomorrow maybe not even this year but it absolutely positively will happen. Working in the entertainment industry you quickly learn that an artist often doesn't have the rights to what you think they do. Labels own the music, the brand, the style, the persona all of it. The artist owns the rights to their songs once out of contract if stipulated in the contract. But their "likeness" is usually owned by the label itself. And if they want it to be "family friendly" as they do. They WILL sue you. Even if you have the artists permission they will still sue you it just isn't worth it unfortunately. You could make it look kind of like them. Make a fake famous musician but ya it's not worth the risk.

If it makes you feel any better when the Neopets website first started they had a pet called Macy Gray. They weren't even hiding it was just straight up Macy Gray. No idea if they had permission or not but it was promptly removed. They also had a guy named Bruce who just looked like a Butler and they changed him to a penguin but ya. However cool having that musician is it just isn't worth the headache it WILL cause you.

And i actually completely forgot I have a personal experience regarding this. My cousin is a film director mostly short little films. He and his friends made a great short film about a guy having an absolutely terrible day in black and white and the joke is that the song "What a wonderful kind of day" is playing in the background. He was getting ready to submit it to a festival and then. He got a cease and desist from the estate of Marvin Gaye I guess the melody of the tune was too similar? He had to remove the music and since the video was directly in reference TO the music the film was completely useless. There is no "alternate music" to use. He need looked up copyright laws he was very careful of what he did and didn't use and how much and how often. It was an automated strike from the melody itself from the record label/estate. This is an extreme situation but your game could end up being REMOVED just because of that one character. OR even worse they could demand payment from you for using the musician. For someone who looks like its a 5 second kinda cool easter egg. Just not worth it.

Deleted 3 years ago

Thx for your detailed Shira! Realy happy you liked it. And also thx for letting me know about the issues you mentioned. I will change some things next update.


Holy shit! I don't say this lightly you made a great game. I don't even mean the sex aspect I just mean in general. The story is phenomenal I say this as a writer. I do have notes a ton of them but only because you are damn close to making one of the best visual novels I have ever played which is a nigh impossible task usually for a non-japanese visual novel.

One of the only gripes I have I doubt will be an issue as you add more to the game. You end up having to "rest" quite often in between events.

In the warehouse when you have to sneak? I don't know if it was a bug or I just sucked at it but it seemed like the first guy turned around too quick (I know who it is I am just trying to give tips as vaguely as I possibly can as your story is just so damn good.

There are many instances in the game where the screen goes to black and a message pops up that says something like "not available in this update under development etc" This is a great indicator to let players know that though that is unavailable currently it is on the way. However there are plenty of instances where this is clearly the case and no indicator appears.

In a perfect world you wouldn't have to do anything to change it. However there are going to be players  that think the game glitched or has some kind of bug. Most people will initially think there is an issue and then realize otherwise but there will be enough that you may be answering a lot of bug feedback that you don't need to. Or maybe it is to far in development to change it in which case ignore this minor gripe.

One example is after a certain woman says you can "stop by anytime" when you go there as indicated absolutely nothing happens. it is clear that this is the end of her content but no message pops up. Since there are instances in which you can "mouseover to highlight" something else in a scene I could see people thinking there is something they are supposed to "find" in said scene in order to interact further with her I too was thrown off for a few seconds looking for some kind of mouseover for speaking. Only for a few seconds I have alpha and beta tested plenty of games of all genres over the years but I then stayed in the room to see how "easy" it was for players to understand there was nothing further to do and it isn't straightforward enough. 

This is handled better with an electronic salesman who outright tells you he is too busy to talk right now. This lets the player know no further action is available at this time BUT it doesn't OUTRIGHT tell the player it leaves them to wonder what is next. This is a better way to handle the barista and the woman at her house in question.

The fight minigame needs a little more polish. Most of your UI is pretty great the only exception I can find to this is your stats menu and the fight minigame. The quality is inconsistent with the rest of your interface Maps/Phone/Rooms/Investigation/Inventory etc are all great.

I am not sure how randomized your jan ken pon like system of fighting is. I feel like intelligence should affect it. This seems to be dialogue cut based for the most part but I don't mind it being randomish as long as it isn't 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 sequences in a row like that one encounter was. it is clear this is something you are already working on as in one much later encounter you and your enemy both have health bars. The one at your house though? (Which is done so well as is that one scene in the rain.

I love that you influenced by Illusion games (several scenes directly show this and I can tell it is going to be much much much more so as the game progresses) as well as Detective Conan! In the instance of the Illusion inspiration though there are two scenes in the game that are VERY severe as they absolutely should be as the fit the theme of this game but after they happen and after a dialogue comes up outright telling you in so many words their will be repercussions it is NEVER mentioned again. PRETTY DAMN important to the story but maybe this is just a plot thread you haven't full developed yet. Speaking of which I have some bad news that you may or may not have already been aware of.

I think your game is absolutely awesome so far I expected to get a few hours at the most out of this demo and I experienced well over 10 hours (maybe even more than that!! worth of content) To rip the bandaid off though.

There is no way in hell they are going to let you sell this on steam. You made a great game but it is far more twisted than what they allow in regards to certain scenes and I am not the type of guy to say "well all you have to do is edit this and you could release it" There are games on steam that were given the greenlight and have since been edited to stay there or were removed after testers PLAYED the game and found scene A or character B or Plot C that they felt took things way to far. Your game reminds me of a specific illusion game that was banned in the US and is why it was almost impossible to get an illusion game stateside. Your game has a MUCH better plot! You and I both know the game I am talking about but I won't mention it as your story is so damn good I really don't want to spoil even a modicum of information for players. so you have you have patreon and hopefully plenty of other sources as though Steam allows adult games now they keep waffling back in forth on WHAT they allow and they have outright stated they won't allow even the tamest of some things your game has so far that seem central to the entirety of your game.

I would love to continue to play your game as each update comes along but I don't think I will because I am paranoid that as you add more and more to the game there will come a point where my save will be incompatible. I love the game but it is over 10 hours so far. I can't imagine playing any game over and over and over again as it develops no matter how good it is. This is ok because it means you are taking the time to make something truly magnificent. its a damn shame there is the stigma of a non japanese visual novel not being  "good enough" your plot is good enough that if it was a visual novel from Japan you would probably get a hentai adaptation explicit comics the whole nine yards. It makes me think you are some well known published author or screenwriter who is doing this as your true deep dark passion. It makes me think you are either from Europe or the US and desperately wanted to work on visual novels in Japan but do the their apprehension of foreigners infringing on their creative mediums it is almost impossible to get in there (have several friends who want to do the same are artists and can't even get their foot in the door. Japan has a lot of national pride especially in their entertainment medium. You can guest star but you can't BE a major player. So you branched out on your own and made a damn good game with your team. I see nothing but a bright future for you and am truly amazed by what you have accomplished here.

This also doesn't look like it is going to be finished anytime soon. I have never ever supported anyone on patreon and I have only contributed to a handful of kickstarters but I really believe in what you are creating here so I WILL contribute. Not yet I don't really have the funds right this moment but I am just blown away by the quality here so credit where credit is due. If I still reviewed games I would ask to interview you and put it as a damn featured article that is how good your game is. This isn't brownnosing I never give a compliment that isn't deserved. I thought I was going to play an hour long game with "bewbs" and that would be it. I spent every waking moment of the last two three days of freetime I had playing your game. Initially I was going to complain about no dialog for the female characters now I don't even care. You do need a hell of a lot more moaning sfx though. Those DO need to be everywhere in the game. So you do need VA for SFX and Foley for sexual sounds. You also need to proofread some of the dialogue I think I already read a book and halfs worth of dialogue so I wouldn't know where to begin with what or where but you have a great game here and you could make it a damn masterpiece with more polish which I know is something you plan on doing already with the amount of work you put in. I also saw something about this being version 0.43 and someone complaining i n the comments about how this was inaccurate as it can't possibly be half finished. I looked on your patreon page and found the game is 5% complete!!?!?!? How the hell are you doing this?

As great as the game is I can't play it over and over and over again. I genuinely think this is a project you are going to be working on for several years adding a chapter or two every few months and I can't wait to experience it I know alot of people get pissed off about games being anthologies but I think you could get away with it here. Especially if each game takes you three years to make. If you are really only 5% complete it looks like your game will rival the length of some of the longest most well known visual novels out there. You could very well set a precedent (along with Dr. Pinkcake who is also very good) That a visual novel doesn't have to come from Japan to be amazing. We already know that but the industry at large needs to know that for your credibility to truly skyrocket. As soon as I am able to I will start donating to your patreon (I am one of those assholes who paid nothing for the game but that is DEFINITELY not the case going forward) I probably will play your game only every 6 months or so unless there is some way to retain the save files. I feel very fortunate I was able to play as much as I could as quickly as I could I expect every 3 to 6 months you will add another hour or so worth of content and hope that OH!!!!

I KNOW HOW PEOPLE CAN KEEP THEIR SAVES I JUST REMEMBERED?!?!?! I have seen games do this before. Use a password system! kind of like what Mass Effect 2 and 3 did where they ask you questions of choices you made but your game has SOOOOOO many damn choices and options you would need probably about 30 different passwords for save states. Which trait a player started with, which sidequests were completed, current status of women, depravity or innocence level.

Seriously though I am sure it is on its way but there needs to be dialogue and interactions in reaction to those two scenes we both know I am talking about the people they happen to there is no way they wouldn't treat you differently. Positive or negative have to win their trust back. Be investigated yourself? Honestly I like your game enough that I wouldn't mind giving you some character development/dialog/plot info. Also something I have never offered to anyone. I am a wannabe writer who is unfortunately a professional procrastinator but if it is just a matter of something like phrasing a line more creatively that is written generic currently? or ideas of repercussions? I am your guy. Let me know.


George E. Spears III

(2 edits) (+1)

0.o   Very looong

If I am to understand, this is a great game and you wanna help in any way u can


Playing new content, at the bar fight. Is no way to win on Android? Don't have keys to press.

Yes buds. WAnted to change the game but simply no time yet. Maybe next update I refurbish the whole fight to be android friendly. As of now you can save scum till u win. The chance of winning if you skip is 50%

Cool, thanks.

here we go again

Sup dtmr

(1 edit)

Sup dude, hope you're doing well


Still early days on this but a coupls of comments I wanted to make. 

1) during the first nightmare/snowstorm sequence, coming down the stairs there is no snow visible through the window. And in the next image where you see the snowstorm, it only appears in the right window, not the left.

2) The screen distortions during this section might be a little much, Im assuming that they are supposed to happen and enhance the creepy mood, but to be honest I was worried the graphics chip might be melting the first time I saw it. Also, not sure if it applies here, but given the flickering nature of the distortion you may want to consider an epilepsy warning or something. (I dont have epilepsy so I dont know if this would trigger it, but better safe than sorry I would have thought.)

3) I know you can swipe up to get the menu, but an icon on the top left toolbar might be useful as well.

Other than thqt, enjoying it so far. Looking forward to the rest.

Wow nice catch. No one ever notices the snowstorm in windows. This is first time. 

Yeah, ima put epilepsy warning. 

Thanks for ur feedback grimlar. very helpful and glad u enjoyed it

(1 edit)

Im playing on an android tablet at the moment and I am dealing with the Spear of Longinius (Convent) case.

I have all nine clues and have talked to all of the nuns and the policewoman, there are no more talk options available. So Im kind of stuck for what to do next.

Judging from Detective Spades comment at the start Im supposed to accuse some suspects to generate additional talk options, but for each of the nuns it just says that I dont have enough evidence.

This is the new version you released a couple of days ago.

If its any help when others complain of not being able to find the last clue, the last one I found was the one in the middle of the right hand column. Quite difficult to see.

Heya grimlar. Thx for the feedback on the android port. 

Regarding the church, have you observed the nuns to find clues on them?  

You are correct, I was missing one of the visual clues. Shouldnt they all be part of the list of clues that the player finds?

As for the ANdroid port, I have upgraded from to using the link you added to the relevant discord channel. Ill let you know if anything has changed when I continue later.

Thanks for the help.

Yes the Gallery menu option is there in

Regarding the Convent case, nun-hood should probably be sisterhood and novitiates should probably be novices. A novitiate would be the period of training a novice completes to become a nun.

(1 edit)

Would just like to comment on the readability of the text on the android version. Im playing on a 10" tablet but some of the text is still coming up as quite small, not so much whisper text but the yellow internal voice text.

The setting for the textbox opacity, even when set to 100% is still quite transparent, which can make it hard to read the text. D(epending on the colour of the objects behind the text.)

I would also say that the morning/afternoon/evening text on the top toolbar is sometimes difficult to read as well do to the colour of the text on the background.

Similarly some of the menu pages seem to have selected options as white on a very pale background making it very hard to read. The History page in particular is difficult to use, but also the preferences page.

Im sorry to say that despite having the version I cannot see a gallery option on the menu.

These are perhaps mostly issues caused by playing the game on a smaller screen, but if Im having problems on a 10" screen, with a slightly increased text size, those on a smallr screen may be struggling too.

(1 edit)

I agree wholeheartedly with the epilipsy warning but I wouldn't change the distortion for anything. It gives an Eternal Darkness or Metal Gear Solid breaking the 4th wall vibe. Don't change that it is one of the more creative wtf moments in your game.
I didn't catch the snow inconsistency either. I actually thought it was snowing INSIDE your house.

While we are talking about the original snowstorm. What you see in the tub? You only see ONE of those two who are supposedly there. I would reanimate that to make it more obvious there are two people there. I looked and looked and looked your graphic shows one person.


For me its just a little much. I appreciate that you like it, Perhaps a menu option to reduce it for people who are adversely affected by it?

I can definitely get behind that. My brother in law has epilipsy no way in hell would he  play this game but if he did I wouldn't want his experience to be hindered. So ya epilipsy warning some kind of toggle to enable or disable distortions and or visual patterns?

Where can i see/have the bathroom key?


Not implemented yet. Coming soon im working on all the toilet events

Depending on the route your game takes maybe just maybe for one of them it would be cool to not "need" a key or for said key to have a different purpose like locking doors from the outside only or something? ;)

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